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this post is simple:
who has built a one water fed pole van system and who paid for one, please supply pictures of home made van systems and the cost to do it, and is it 2 man on just single.

dont forget to say the tank say 15 litres helps no one.


  • Posts: 592
I have 2 that I paid to have supplied and installed.

I paid around half of the price of the 1st one for the 2nd one. I was a greenhorn when I bought the 1st one  :-[  Having said that it's paid for itself many times over now.

Funnily enough while out working the other day A very professional looking van pulled up and another WC actually came for a chat. (Unusual eh?) Anyway as you do we got chatting about our systems and did the "If you show me yours I'll show you mine bit" lol   He had a system in his van that he DIY'd except the making and fitting of the  fixing cage which was a bit ropey to say the least. He did admit it was and said he was having another one done for him. (At least it wasn't ropey ratchet straps) Both our systems were 650 litre ones. Mine is an upright tank and his was a flat. Anyway we totted up what both sys's had cost us and they worked out almost the same when we took into account our poles and stuff which were very similar.

I protectakoted mine myself and had it fitted in oneday and was working with it earning ££'s the next day. He said he was constantly tinkering with his and still had to pay for a proper cage and then get it installed.

I have to say the ouside of his van looked the Dogs though!!!

I have 2 that I paid to have supplied and installed.

I paid around half of the price of the 1st one for the 2nd one. I was a greenhorn when I bought the 1st one  :-[  Having said that it's paid for itself many times over now.

I have to say the ouside of his van looked the Dogs though!!!
do you have a pic of your own van? that yoyu can post for us to all see


Bought  a Freedom trolley, 250l tank, 24ft g/f pole, 4ft g/f pole, 100gpd ro.

The bought pump box, 650l tank, 44ft c/f Facelift, 2 x reels (1x 50mtr, 1x 100mtr & Back pack....

Upgraded 1 x additional 100gpd membrane, 1 x pump, inline tds meter, 2x 500litre water storage containers....all waste water is fed into the front and back lawn via irrigation hose so the garden is looked after too

Protectakoted the van myself...

Thus I can run the van for a multiude of work scenario's...if I had the money to have it 'professionally installed or thrown in the van by me....I would do it myself...I have enjoyed the tinkering around...the g/f says it also keep me out of her way so that can on be a good thing ;D



  • Posts: 592

Sounds like you have almost the same set up as me in my vans now. Prob the only difference is that I dont have any Facelift poles. I have the Extel Hybrid ones which I LOVE!! I have the 30ft ones and a 4 ft extender on each van. Sounds like you have evolved your system over time to suit your needs as they grow.

I bought a package system on lease from I*nics when I first went WFP. As I said I was a greenhorn then  lol. Cant knock it though its been good to me. I had "The knowledge" when I got my 2nd system so I got it right 1st time.  I didnt pay an exhorbitant amount to have my sys fitted in the van for me 2nd time either and like I say it was all done in a day. That was what I needed because I didnt have the time to do it myself anyway.

Just going off topic for a little while (Sorry Window washer) I have looked at your growth figures Dave. One thing stands out for me. I'm not knocking you mate at all but dont you do any door knocking? Maybe it's different where you are but When I started and recently when I needed a top up of custies I knocked doors for a couple of hours each evening and very quickly built up my customer base. I've tried leaflet only and its just so slow!! Especially if you do your own leaflet drops I honestly cant see why anyone doesnt knock the door while they are standing at it. I have had custies through leafletting and even now get the odd call from leaflets I dropped over a year ago. I cant see any difference between the quality of custies I get from either method. Perhaps there is a language barrier for you mate. I am just interested to know why you stick to leaflet only. Thats how I read your figures anyway.

OK back on topic.

Window Washer.  Nope I dont have any pics of my set ups. I see enough of the darn things every day  lol

If you look @ Pure Freedom's website and have a gander at their fitted system page my 2nd one is pretty identical to the one on there. They sent me the protectakote out to do myself and I took the van to them for a day.

Hang on lemme get a link for you  8)

There ya go  :)


brightnclean.....sounds as if you have a very nice system there....

As for leaflets...these and word of mouth are my only source of getting for cavassing...I am still learning Dutch and still and not very comfortable with it and I am also not comfortable with doorknocking either.

My business seems to be growing at a rate of aprox 2.94 customers per week, I have aprox 40 to 45 % spare capacity in my round....and now that I am in a position to pay all my bills without using savings I am happy to plod on gaining customers at this rate....I have no debts whatsoever....with this in mind I plod on putting out leaflets and pushing a wedge into area's I want to gain work, then I just leaflet, leaflet and leaflet again these area's....

My plan for window cleaning is based over a 3 to 5 year this first 52 weeks has given me a living that also enables me to put away 50% of my takings each 8 week period for the tax man and any left over will get put back into the time I hope to 'shape' this so that I can If I so choose expand.In time I hope to grow to where I want to be which is a compromise of work and play...then in my spare time I shall dive, dive, dive....

The truth is even if I did speak Dutch perfectly I would more than likely not canvass as I hate people knocking on my door....with leaflets I give people the choice whether to contact me if they should choose....different folks, different strokes ;D



  • Posts: 592
Thanks for the reply Dave.

Yup I do have a great system :)

Thanks for explaining th no doorknocking coz I honestly couldn't get me noggin around it  lol

I dont LIKE door knocking but I dont mind it at all. Ive never had anyone be outright rude (Not that it would bother me) and I also have a plan to work to. All I owe is wats left on the lease of me 1st system. Ohh  and the usual mortgage etc. All my other kit is paid for so other than replacement and depreciation it is taken care of.

I am just about to get another van on the road and it will be paid for up front. I live frugally ATM pushing every spare penny back into the business so that soon I can enjoy the luxuries and my other interests. Short term pain = long term gain   lol  Aint this business great??   You can be as big or small as you want to be and the costs of getting into it properly and expanding are way lower than any other business I know of. All it needs is a bit of real application and the sky seems to be the limit  :)

Can you tell I've had a good week?  lol   ;D

Soz for goin off topic again W Washer.  Promise wont do it again  :-[


  • Posts: 1137
I had my ducato van fitted out by Facelift when I first switched over to wfp, Its set up for a Two man operation but I preffer working alone. Its an 800 ltr tank, fitted through the floor with special brackets wrapped around the chassis rails underneath the van to prevent the bolts just comeing straight through the van floor if involved in a high speed collision.

The cost to me was around £4,000.00 incl poles, pumps,reels,hoses.battery plus a static 4040 RO system which is fitted in the garage.

It was money well spent and I have never  Regretted the purchase. I never ever hear any water sloshing around the tank due to the way its baffled. The van handles superb when the 800ltr tank is brim full. My system does not leak a drop and I spend more time brushing the dust of the van floor to keep it clean then I would like.

I kitted my sons Doblo van out myself. The frame was designed by an Enginering Tutor freind of mine free of charge then built by a local Stainless Steel Enginering firm, who built the frame around the tank and installed it in the van.

Total cost was less then £1,000.00 for everything including a four section 20' pole. The system once again is leak free.




I shopped around for each part and found the cheepest the suppliers and then assembled it myself. My TDS is very low so only needed to set up a DI system.

Does the same job as a £3k system.