You think yer pole is gonna demolish the entire bleeding hotel?
Hi Simon,
Just wanted to confirm what you think Public Liability is for??
The 2 million is not for the building as such but more for the public that may be harmed whilst you're working. i.e. falling ladder hits them, squeegee drops and hits them, trip over hose etc...
Now, if a member of the public for instance trips over your hose, hits their head on the corner of a kerb and suffers brain damage as a result of the fall you will be expected to pay damages and compensation. Now 2 million sounds a lot but if this person is a high flying professional who is say 25 years old then you may find that 2 million is not enough to cover the damages awarded and then its down to you to fund the rest, sell your house, assets etc or face prison for not having adequate insurance.
I know your probably thinking "yeah, like that would happen to me" but thats exactly the reason you should have the appropriate cover, just in case it does!
Forgive me if I am teaching you to suck eggs but didn't want you to mis-understand what PL is really for?