We're getting there! Thought you might like to see some screenshots. We plan to launch the live site very soon and have had some really positive feedback so far.
The elements that users will be able to compare companies by will initially include:
Distance, date established, number of employees, services offered, payment types taken, free quote availability, moneyback guarantee, reference availability, insurance details, trade memberships, minimum call-out charge, days per week service
Categories will initially include:
Carpet Cleaning, Carpet Protection, Upholstery Cleaning, Upholstery Protection, Curtain Cleaning, Hardfloor Cleaning, Hardfloor Restoration, Window Cleaning Traditional, Window Cleaning Pure Water
Window Cleaning Abseil, Leather Cleaning, Leather Restoration, Office Cleaning, Domestic Cleaning, Car Valeting, Oven Cleaning, Drain Cleaning, Fire Restoration, Flood Restoration, Trauma Cleaning, Computer Cleaning, Builders Cleaning.
It will cost £15 per month or £150 per year to advertise in up to 6 categories and we have a significant amount of end-user advertising planned and, indeed, already booked. There will be an option to add your business for free but you will not be able to list the details above. It'll be easy for people to use and I'm sure you'll find it to be the most effective way to pick up targeted new business!
Trade association memberships will be validated on sign up. The initial options we hope to list will include the NCCA, APWC, FWC and BICSc but if you have other suggestions please let me know.
Please keep your feedback coming. It really is appreciated!
Many thanks