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  • Posts: 1945
South Yorkshire
« on: July 02, 2007, 12:52:34 pm »
Hi there

just to let people know we are all geared up for the gruesome job of drying out, cleaning up, inventory taking, and clearance work in the the flooded areas.

It is envisaged that large numbers of people will be returning to their properties later this week, and i already know that a lot of the big boys are swamped out with work.

Therefore if you take a call, that you dont want to handle, please feel free to give them our number. Alternatively if you are busy and still want to manage the clients, we are more than happy to come in as a sub contractor basis, I have a schedule of rates, for labour and equipment and will be more than happy to discuss further with any interested parties.

Whilst this is a time of great distress for flod victims, the secret is to deliver a highly professional service, and keep misery to a minimum.


07771 526246