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Adam Boss

  • Posts: 251
Re: Fastest Window Cleaner
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2007, 05:45:32 pm »
Hi Dave,
off topic but just spent a week at Portreath ( Gwel an Mor Lodges )and got about a bit. Had only really one bad day and that was last Monday, went to ST Ives and it was propper stormy.
What a great part of the country you live in, I bet you do a fair bit of motoring to do your round.
I live in Manchester and spend most of my time in Trafford Park around Old Trafford Football Ground which is a complete contrast to Cornwall.
Won't be back there for a long while as it took 9 hours to get home, NIGHTMARE!.
Off to get some sun abroad later in the year.

EST: 1988