I have no intention of finding out, but I can see how easy it would be to snag one, I think a little research may be in order on this problem. It must be the same for builders too surely they are well insulated?? I know nothing about them (yet). Where's Jeff?
'DONT' Just assume the cable is insulated? the IEE 16th edition states any overhead cable must be insulated, so we all presume they are :
I always do a risk assesment every time I go onto a job, this include jobs I did 6 weeks previously.
I don't know if they have had electrical work done in that time, How long does it take you to look?
We don't know if our custy who is a jack of all trades and a master of non, has just added a socket to the garage and run the cable over head with out strapping it to a catenary wire that is bolted to the wall?
We don't know if he used top grade cable or cable bought from his local pound shop.
I always presume the worse, why??? because I want to stay alive as long as I can and I have no intentions of being killed by billy the bodger. DO A RISK ASSESMENT ON EVERY JOB EVERY TIME!
Ok! lets Go to the main overhead cable that feeds the house? Does it look insulated 'YES'
Thats OK then, it doesn't matter if we touch it with our poles THINK AGAIN DODO, well you may well be as extinct as a dodo, if you think like that, what if the outer sheath of the cable has broken down, by this I mean degraded or even damaged, just in the exact spot you touch it with your pole, Then Its bye-bye Mr window cleaner can I come to your funeral?
You can't see,hear or smell electricity, but thank god one of our sences works with it :
TOUCH, but touch it once and it could very well be your last.
RISK ASSESMENT guy's,it takes 2 seconds and could well save your life, only a fool breaks the 2 second rule.
You guy's who employ staff, I would seriously think about training them, this should protect them and you in case of an accident, it always comes back to the employer. and its not only a fine you get, in most cases its a prison sentence.