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Laddatec Ltd

  • Posts: 4
Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« on: June 18, 2007, 06:56:07 pm »
Hello to Everyone on the Cleanitup Forum,

This is our first message on the board, we are Laddatec Ltd and would like to introduce to all members our new Ladder Stabilizing system, LaddaLimpet. 

The product was launched at the Ideal Home Exhibition and some of you may have seen us there.  We also took the product to Geneva, to the International Inventors Exhibition and won a Gold Medal and a top award. 

The LaddaLimpet stabilizer will fit all ladders with rectangular section from 60mm - 78mm stile width and will prevent outward slip, elimate ladder twist, restrict sideways movement, compensate for uneven ground and reduce ladder flexing.

After one initial adjustment to suit your particular ladder which takes less than five minutes, it can then be fitted and removed in seconds.

Please take a few minutes to visit our website where you will be able to read all about the product and see the DVD showing the adjustment and fitting, you can also see various working situations. 

We are confident that our product will greatly improve the safety of anyone who uses a ladder in their daily work.

We hope that you will visit our website and look forward to receiving any feedback.

Laddatec Ltd

Alex Wingrove

  • Posts: 1435
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2007, 07:06:28 pm »
yeah but what does it do?

the site doesn't tell me what it does apart from "making your ladder safer"

using my head makes me feel safe up a ladder


  • Posts: 1897
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2007, 07:33:33 pm »
It tells you on the site?? Has a video as well!



Alex Wingrove

  • Posts: 1435
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2007, 08:13:11 pm »
Yeah but how?

just looks like another 2 feet on a ladder,

how will that stop it slipping?

Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2007, 08:29:35 pm »
Because you are creating a 2 triangular angles from the feet.
Although it is not there if you imagine a line drawn between the end of the ladder foot and the end of the support you create a triangle. As this is rigid the ladder can't slide away from the wall.
Hope that helps.


  • Posts: 1897
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2007, 08:30:32 pm »
To me it looks like if the ladder slips away from a wall, it prevents it from slipping! There is a larger version on the market, this looks like a smaller version of it!

Alex Wingrove

  • Posts: 1435
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2007, 09:57:29 pm »
so why not say that on the site.

i dont have a clue really what it it, just looks like two yellow things on a ladder, so what prevents them from slipping aswell?


  • Posts: 100
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2007, 08:01:59 am »
Well it looks like for the ladder to slip back the top of the ladder would be sliding down the wall ........yes ?, and if so the triangulated legs wouldnt let this happen  ......still looks a pain to keep putting on an of, but maybe just for those realy dodgy jobs !
 Has anybody tried using  garden trowls ? on slimy slabs or wooden patios ?, just wedge  em in the gaps , works a treat

Laddatec Ltd

  • Posts: 4
Laddatec - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2007, 10:01:30 am »
From the comments so far it appears that you would like to know a liittle more technical detail on how the product works. We felt that because the product is so simple and easy to use we did'nt want to confuse people on the site with the technicalities of how it works. However  this is something that we will consider, and will need to explain this in a concise manner. So here goes !

Neil was correct to say that it works by triangulation, but also dynamics and load displacement. During the development and testing we found that by attaching the stabilizer legs it diverted approximately a quarter of the persons body weight down the stabilizer legs in the opposite direction, thus preventing outward slip. When the stabilizer is attached to the ladder it also has a combination of other benefits, reducing flexing, sideways movement and twisting, which are all contributory factors to the ladder slipping at the base.

The product works independently on each ladder stile section and is not clamped to the stile, so is free to move until the foot comes in contact with a surface, be it ground, wall, scaffold boarding, etc, then it locks automatically in position. Compensating for uneven surfaces and giving you four points of contact at all times.

I hope this explains in more detail how the LaddaLimpet stabilizer functions.
Has this helped?  Let me know your thoughts.



  • Posts: 5855
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2007, 10:49:51 am »
Just a question for you???
Why do you state this is a new product, do you mean a new product to your self or to the market? reading your web page, it looks like its saying the guy has just invented them.

The reason I ask is because I have had an orange set of them, in my shed for years, I paid around £30 for them years ago, so £50 is still a very good price.

I used them on a wet welsh slate floor once and they did not stop the ladder sliding, down the wall, so I advise care when using them, They do not eliminate side ways slip, use them on stable ground, and they are an excellent product, it also does stop  any bounce in the ladder, less bounce less accidents.

I have just been out to my shed and dug them out! fitted them in seconds and this is what they look like.

When I used to carry them, I added cable ties to my ladder and used to just slot them into the cable ties, this saved me carrying the ladders bucket and stable legs with only 2 hands, as the stable legs were fitted into the ties on the ladder.


  • Posts: 2095
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2007, 10:57:53 am »
hhmmm, with the Eur WAHD2005 gradually becoming more enforced, how many are going to be using ladders
Live life in the fast lane.......if you break down you'll freewheel further

Ballymena N.I

Laddatec Ltd

  • Posts: 4
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2007, 02:10:44 pm »
Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the feedback and the photos - brings back memories!  We designed this product 20 years ago and it was extremely successful, being used by major companies such as British Telecom, etc.  After a very successful start, the product was licenced to a major company, and due to mishandling was never marketed on a fully commercial basis after that!

We still feel that the product has a value in the marketplace and have redesigned the locking pin system - it is now even easier to use and adjust with no components to loose.

At the launch of the new product at the Ideal Home Show we met many people that recognised the product and are still using the old one 20-years later.  These range from professional builders, painters & decorators, window cleaners, etc and all said they would not climb a ladder without it.  Obviously, nothing is going to be 100% safe where ladders are concerned, but we feel this redesigned product will also significantly improve ladder stability. With the increasing restrictions regarding ladder use, we are hoping to push the LaddaLimpet into the marketplace this time and are now talking with the HSE, which is a step in the right direction, and have been asked to support the national ladder safety campaign and ladder exchange which is being run throughout the summer months.

We have also heard a rumour now that there may be a new regulation which states that even Window Cleaners will have to have a person footing the ladder - does anyone know anything about this?  How can that be workable - we would like to see our product as a practical alternative, and hope that we can get them to give it serious consideration!



  • Posts: 5855
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2007, 03:18:33 pm »
Hi Ian thanks for your reply.
I'm pleased to see you have  redesigned the locking pin system, this should make all the difference.

I used my set for several years (with NO accidents) over these years I discovered the does and don't on useing the stable leg. let me tell the guy's, so they are aware if they buy a set.

There  unsafe to use on WET welsh slate, but very safe on dry slate. (I don't know the welsh invent theses safety devices, but they won't let us use them on there wet slate  ;D)
They must be used on stable ground and as window cleaners, ladders are used on all types of ground/surfaces, Let me explain? If you have one stile on a solid surface and another stile on soft ground the stable leg won't hold the soft side?
make sure both stiles of your ladder are on a good sound surface.
Maybe the redesigned locking pin system will allow for this, but just incase take care and be aware of the above tips.

These stable legs are an excellent product and you will feel you can run up and down your ladders all day long safley (and you can).

One thing you may be able to do Ian? Is design some sort of pocket for the ladder to put these stable legs into, instead of my cable tie idea, Just being able to put them on the side of my  ladder when not in use made all the difference, ie they were there when I  needed them and didn't have to keep running back to my van.
Having a saftey device is just part of the Equation! having them on hand each time there needed is the second part, the third part is useing them.
Not being able to carry them with your ladder and bucket becomes a boaring task a boaring task becomes a dangerous task.

I wish you all the luck with your product,  there is a lot of competition out there for safety devices, but know one that I know of allows ease of carrying them with your ladders.

I see you will be selling spares in the future, when you do, I ned a new set of rubber feet for mine. ;D ;D

Ian Lancaster

  • Posts: 2811
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2007, 03:22:27 pm »

I don't know where the rumour about "ladder footers" originated, but I would be very surprised if it had official standing.  The HSE have stated that "footing" is only allowable as a last resort, as someone doing the footing can simply walk away, get distracted, or slip themselves, but a recognised "ladder stabilising device" can't just get fed up and wander off ;D



Ian Lancaster

  • Posts: 2811
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2007, 03:47:01 pm »
Most ladder stabilising devices seem to me to be "putting the cart before the horse"

They undoubtedly do improve ladder stability, but only in ideal situations, i.e. on level, stable ground at right angles to the wall.  This is the very situation where the ladder is least likely to slip anyway, and any competent and experienced ladder man can set his ladder so it will never slip.

Any window cleaner will tell you these situations do not exist!!!  We need to be able to set a ladder safely on grass, sloping gardens, soft earth, gravel, flower beds, etc.. etc..

With common sense and a few seconds spent assessing the situation (an "on the spot" risk assessment, in fact!) you can decide:

        (a) If it's possible and safe to set the ladder, and
        (b) How to set it.

There are very few situations where you would  have to say to yourself "No, I can't do this window because it's impossible to set the ladder safely" although confidence to do this will only come with experience.

Two things exist to help us achieve this:

        The window cleaners pointed ladder (single or double) because it can be set into the window reveal and at an acute angle to the wall in perfect safety - the point is trapped so it can't move, and the splayed feet spread the weight and prevent twisting.

        And the other thing is articulated safety feet.  I have a pair fitted to my double 3.5mt pointer.  They adjust to any angle to take into account unevenness in the ground, are large and flat enough to remain stable on soft or loose ground, and you don't need to keep putting them on and taking them off, and best of all they retain their usefulness in situations where Ladder Stoppers, Ladder Mates, and devices such as in this thread wouldn't be of any use.

BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT SAFETY DEVICE IS COMMON SENSE.  If your common sense tells you the ladder isn't set safely, DON'T GO UP IT



Laddatec Ltd

  • Posts: 4
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2007, 09:19:32 am »
Hi Jeff,

Thanks for your comments, I agree that there is definately a need to be able to carry the stabilizers around easily and will be looking into designing an attachable method of carrying these on the ladder.

Your pictures of the old set look like they have been well and truly used and are in need of a facelift, and note that you need a new set of feet.  If you would like to contact me on info@laddatec and leave your contact details I am sure that we can sort something out  :)


On the subject of window cleaners needing a second person to foot the ladder - this was something that was brought up at a recent local government meeting I
went to, it sounds ludicrous but I will let you know if I hear anything else.

I agree with your comments about using common sense and safe practices, unfortunately, many times these go out of the window and people take unnecessary risks and that is when accidents occur.  One of the reasons why I designed this product 20 years ago was because I lost a friend who fell from 8ft when changing a security light, he was using his ladder safely, it was placed on dry, level, stable ground when it slipped and he suffered fatal head injuries. Alan never took risks and always used his ladder safely.

This time I intend to design a whole range of products for ladders that hopefully will address many of the situations you have mentioned, but these will need to be simple, easy to use, easy to fit, easy to carry, etc, otherwise people won't use them.  Regardless of the legislation, there are still situations where you can only gain access with a ladder - until somebody comes up with a jet pack!  I might start working on that today!



  • Posts: 497
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2007, 12:22:43 pm »
Looks like an ok gadget but a bit time consuming to use on every sigle window.

From the video it looks like you have to take it off every time you move your ladder from here to there.

Good idea though, not really practical for window cleaning I don't think.
My friends call me Tuppence Clean


  • Posts: 5855
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2007, 02:01:38 pm »
Looks like an ok gadget but a bit time consuming to use on every sigle window.

From the video it looks like you have to take it off every time you move your ladder from here to there.

Good idea though, not really practical for window cleaning I don't think.
Well, I use my set for window cleaning and still do, (when I use my ladders) they take seconds and I mean seconds to add and remove,
when I was on the ladders every day I used them mainly for jobs I thought I needed them on.  they were excellent and I had them attached to my ladders by way of loose cable ties, when I finished with them, I removed them and just slotted them into the ties, so I had my other hand free to carry my bucket.
Don't forget you can also add them if you do guttering Jobs

There like any other saftey device for ladders, they are there when you need them, and if h&s clamp down on ladder use, you will have to use a saftey device all the time.


  • Posts: 558
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2007, 07:31:57 pm »
I still use mine. I've had them 9 years and am now missing one rubber foot. I recommend using them for your ladder whilst cleaning windows on flat roofs, especially on windy days as it saves your unattended ladders being blown over and having to jump off a flat roof like some members on this forum have done ;D

They only take seconds to fit on and take off but are very good safety aids for ladders!!!
Losing a customer is like waiting for the next bus, another one will come along shortly!


  • Posts: 5855
Re: Laddatec Ltd - Laddalimpet Ladder Stabilizer
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2007, 07:55:21 pm »
I still use mine. I've had them 9 years and am now missing one rubber foot. I recommend using them for your ladder whilst cleaning windows on flat roofs, especially on windy days as it saves your unattended ladders being blown over and having to jump off a flat roof like some members on this forum have done ;D

They only take seconds to fit on and take off but are very good safety aids for ladders!!!
Ian will be selling the spares soon ;) so you can get a set of new rubber feet for them.