what are you cleaning?walls,floors,pots and pans ,cutlery,crockery,shelving,microwaves,glasswasher,chipper,ovens,canopy,under/behindovens ect ect the list goes on find out,write it down,work it out whatever you think it will cost in time expenses ect double it thats my experiance. Always write down exactly what is expected so you both know, as this is the type of job that is hard to guess how long they will take as you cant always see in behind/under and over.I always put it in writing what is to be done to include all materials in an all inclusive price. if custumer moans about price i allways state that everything in the kitchen will be cleaned although some carbon deposits ect may be left if it is too much money than things can be left ie lots of easy timeconsuming jobs like pots/pans/shelves/fridges ect or 1or2 of the bigger harder jobs waste oil compartment often below chippers ect hope tis helps d s cleaning