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  • Posts: 264
Adding to my List
« on: May 25, 2007, 08:00:12 pm »

Looks like I'll be doing CCing on a full time basis from July, due to severe uncertainties in my other employment.  Having been a frequent contributor to this forum, I value very much your (our) mutual opinions.  Now in response to one of my more recent postings, it looks like the Envirodri system is already high on my equipment list, but do you think a Dry Fusion (or Thermadry) would be worth splashing out on as well (the budget is a bit tight) to cover a wider range of cleaning options ??  As many of you may be aware, I'm a seasoned HWE' er.


Pete (JS2)


  • Posts: 665
Re: Adding to my List
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2007, 08:12:18 pm »
I'd say hold fire for a few months until you see how it works out. You may need the extra cash to tide you over in case business tails off.

Once the money starts to roll in on a regular basis, then's the time to splash out on new toys.
Calmore Carpet Cleaning-Southampton

Southern PAT Services


Re: Adding to my List
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2007, 08:18:52 pm »

why not get hold a secondhand text or dry fusion plus a duo. this way you can have every thing you neeed for microsplitting, low mousture and dry at the fraction of the price of new.

you could also just get a standard speed buffer and a duo for about £200 from both from ebay. and you will be able to cover all three methods.

I use the "Woodman method" and with great results.


Ian Harper


  • Posts: 264
Re: Adding to my List
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2007, 09:10:01 pm »
Ian / Calmore

Thanks for the advice.  What's the "Woodman Method" ??

Pete (JS2)


Re: Adding to my List
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2007, 06:14:46 am »
by Tervor woodman, you could use Nemesis in place of M-power

After a lot of practise and re-jigging methods of use I think I have cracked how to really use M-Power to its best effect, of course you might disagree

I find that once agitated in a light mist again over the top and leave while you do other things helps.

If used in conjunction with another system the end results can be quite outstanding.

Any way my M-Power procedure is as follows;

1) Vacuum,(a lot), pull out furniture,beds etc, vacuum everywhere.

2) Spot clean procedures as normal if required.

3) Apply M-Power and agitate across carpet using roto and pad,finish off around edges with sebo,

4) Place furniture back in postion You do not need to move the furniture again No further cleaning in these areas is necessary.

5) Leave dwelling for 10-15 miinutes longer is ok if needed.

6) Spray mist Tex (or whatever system you use so long as its non residual and wool safe etc) roto over/extract exposed areas only.

7) Inspect, post spot and dress pile.

8) Ask client to walk though with you,collect payment.

Why use two systems I hear you ask ?

Because its the most effective way I have found of using it, with fantastic end results, its beats Texatherm on its own and it beats M-Power on its own.You can do the same method by following the early procedure then extract clean exposed areas only, with M-Power in the tank or another non-residual.I have done both and both work.

On some occasions the second procedure has not seemed necessary as the carpet looks fine but I do it any way as it makes me feel better,sad I know

The beauty of the system and M-Power is that it will self neutralise after you have gone, the carpet carries on cleaning its self in effect  and of course the drying times are very low.

Because furniture does not need moving again you can move pretty quickly from room to room once the prep-work has been done.

I like to pull out as much furniture as possible and vac behind and M-Power clean, thats TV's,double beds, units, pianos whatever, unless directly instructed by the client to leave it, it gets moved.

I can safely move on then to the main exposed areas and concentrate on them using the two system method above.

At the end your client would have had a low moisture, environmentally friendly carpet clean with no soil attracting residue left behind and all the nasties destroyed in the process.

Test it,try it, I would like to know how you get on.


  • Posts: 627
Re: Adding to my List
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2007, 10:32:48 am »

You must have some very posh customers Ian!

What do you do, play them a tune while the Mpower is working?

Sorry but I have to do this, anybody remember the PG tips ad with the monkeys doing the removals?

           'Excuse me Mr Shifter 'Do you know the piano's on my foot?

           No darlin'. But you hum it, I'll play it.'


Re: Adding to my List
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2007, 12:33:02 pm »
get yourself a bonnet machine 150-180rpm & about 20 bon/pads, 30ltrs of microspilters & the same of catalyst, you'll save yourself a packet over a dry fusion system & a bonnet does as good a job for a less than 1/4 of the price!!!!!!! regards char


  • Posts: 788
Re: Adding to my List
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2007, 01:19:12 pm »
whats an example of a catalyst?

Re: Adding to my List
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2007, 02:39:51 pm »
catalyst is a neutral ph cleaner, deodoriser, protector & dryer for carpets with an added disinfectant. carpets are dry within an hour, fantastic for wool carpets. an excellent pre-spray bonnet buffing. regards char 


  • Posts: 781
Re: Adding to my List
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2007, 12:07:16 am »
I never move piano's or case clocks unless customer expressly asks
then they sign a disclaimer.
Both these items are finely balanced, and any movement will disrupt the
workings of them. Case clocks can take weeks to settle down and run
Piano's will be knocked out of tune by moving, and any tuner worth his salt
will not tune them for at least 2-3 months. They can take this long to settle.
At the end of the day a Satisfied Customer is all that counts, They'll come back and so will their friends!!!