Old thread! But might as well chip in 😁
When I changed over to WFP I didn’t say a thing, if customers were in, I of course explained the change over and how it works.
Never had a problem, though I did lose 1 customer to the change over.
I’ve never looked back, I find wfp so much more efficient.
I actually prefer trad for health reasons. I think (yes even climbing ladders) it’s easier on the body. Atleast that’s my experience anyway.
I find wfp is harder on the body, but I’d never ever go back to full time trad. I do the odd bungalow and an 88 year old mans bungalow trad. (Because it’s not worth the hassle trying to persuade him wfp works) other than that, I’m wfp.
When I think of the work I can get done with the wfp system compared with trad, there just isn’t any comparison.