Hi Mark and Jacko
On behalf of myself, Derek, the NCCA and our Associate Sponsors, I'd like to thank you and the many others, for your vote of thanks and for participation in this event.
As you are probably well aware, these events take up quite a bit of time in planning, organisation and execution, and these many personal messages of appreciation we have recieved over the last 24 hours make it all worthwhile.
Thankyou all for taking the time from your businesses to come and support the Association and enhance to your knowledge and understanding of our trade.
And a special award for commitment to our three colleagues Jeffrey, Niall and John who were up in the very small hours of the morning to make the journey from Dublin. They looked weary at 4.00pm so must have been shattered by the time they arrived home in the evening.
Mark Roberts
We don't have the next one scheduled just yet, but we're working on it. We'll announce it through the usual channels.
Safe and happy cleaning