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Re: Eco message and TM
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2007, 12:55:47 pm »

i agree with you. just making a point. not defending any position.  just trying to point.

the eco message for carpet cleaning has been around for some time. I would like to see things move from just chemicals to machines.

from a marketing point of view you can use this issue to sell your services. its call "entertaining the conversation that is all ready going on" or riding on the coattails of this story.

as i said you could present your business as totally eco friendly. it would be nice if there was some kind of audit system that could be used to prove this to your prospects.

this issue will become a buying decision for customers at some point in the future. i get ask about products used already, so how long will it be before they start asking how eco friendly the business is?

as i said if we all make a change and start to look at this issue it cant hurt only help things

with regards the difference between tm and porty you would have to look at method as well. heat mechanical action, chemicals used. in other words how does your sinners circle look?

some things are out of hand but there are things we can do.


Ian Harper

Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: Eco message and TM
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2007, 05:56:02 pm »
I think we should be selling home hygiene.

In the Richard and Judy Clip it is pointed out that it is healthier to eat a biscuit dropped on a pavement than on you home carpet.##

That has got nothing to do with Eco Cleaning

That's just promoted by certain companies to sell their products.

Recycling Using a Bike walking Cutting Down on heating  Planting trees Going on less holidays  are more important to saving the planet than Eco Cleaning.


  • Posts: 883
Re: Eco message and TM
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2007, 07:34:52 pm »
I totally disagree with you Ian. you need to look at the bigger picture and personally i believe we should all do what we can. I can so i do.


  • Posts: 1120
Re: Eco message and TM
« Reply #23 on: February 27, 2007, 10:00:46 am »
The Romans grew grapes up in Northumberland 2000 years ago.
10 000 years ago this country was mostly under 300 ft of glacier.
In the 1600s and again in the mid 1800s the Thames froze over for weeks at a time for Frost Fairs on the ice.( This is where the pretty? pictures of stagecoaches in the snow come from)
In the 1700s the summers were so dry the corn didn't grow.

So in the last 10 years the average temperature has risen by a tiny amount and the boffins throw a wobbly.
So you can pay £20 for a clear conscience-------- Its another snidy way to extract more money out of your pocket to finance the scroungers of this world.

Cows turn out more methane, which is more damaging than CO2, than everything else put together, so do we all stop drinking milk?

All a load of *******(what male cows do!!)

God must love stupid people---He made so many.