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Matt Lindus

Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #60 on: February 22, 2007, 04:15:00 pm »
He is a fantastic sales man theres no doubt about it, and Im sure allergstop has been a good little earner for him.
Good for him I say, if people are daft enough to fall for these tricks they deserve to loose money.


Mark Roberts

  • Posts: 390
Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #61 on: February 22, 2007, 04:45:54 pm »
There are no tricks involved, some can sell it, some cant.

If I were thinking about becoming a member I would trial with my customers and talk to other members which are selling it successfully and make a decision that way.

If it failed that would be my fault for not understanding what's involved and for researching enough.

I use it as an add-on and have made a lot of good money out of it and still am.


  • Posts: 680
Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #62 on: February 22, 2007, 08:03:07 pm »
ok i stand corrected nvw..........even if it last for is still more expensive than the alternative cleaning methods
the point i was trying to make that a/s is beyond the pocket of the people who would benifit from it the most........

and as you are reading nick this maybe you can answer the other post regarding "aldi" solutions??

i am wondering ...........they have a very similar  address  ;)
life is one big learning experience!!!!!!!


Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #63 on: February 22, 2007, 08:16:01 pm »
There are no tricks involved, some can sell it, some cant.

If I were thinking about becoming a member I would trial with my customers and talk to other members which are selling it successfully and make a decision that way.

If it failed that would be my fault for not understanding what's involved and for researching enough.

I use it as an add-on and have made a lot of good money out of it and still am.

Unfortunately I did not have that privilege of asking others as I was one of the first in the network.Gavin was the one asking all the questions at our meeting which at the time we all thought were over the top but he was proved right to be sceptical.

As far as research went Nick was a little lacking in that department as the wife gave him a lot of information and leads to follow up so we were not the only ones who were unsure what was involved.

As for selling it the problem was the price not the product.Its funny because I seem to be able to sell my carpet cleaning service no problem so what was I doing wrong??  I advertised the product,had a newspaper article,bought the leaflets placed them in doctors surgeries,vets,dentists and even a chemist but still no takers but I still managed to sell them the carpet cleaning using m/s.

So come on Nick we know your dying it to reply or are you going to get one of your little spy's to do it?


Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #64 on: February 22, 2007, 08:19:57 pm »
ok i stand corrected nvw..........even if it last for is still more expensive than the alternative cleaning methods
the point i was trying to make that a/s is beyond the pocket of the people who would benifit from it the most........

and as you are reading nick this maybe you can answer the other post regarding "aldi" solutions??

i am wondering ...........they have a very similar  address  ;)


You hit the nail on the head there a lot of families I spoke to about it were low income families who would rather get their inhalers on the Nhs for nothing rather than pay for the As treatment or they simply could not afford it.


  • Posts: 680
Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #65 on: February 22, 2007, 08:20:50 pm »


No Problem, the product at Aldi is a derivative of Solution No3, it is a far weaker version of the professional product for the domestic market, I was fully aware of the product going into the store some 8 months ago, prior to its introduction it has no effect on our business relationship which is a good one.


Hope this helps


Best regards Nick


"The Solution may be closer than you think!"


life is one big learning experience!!!!!!!


Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #66 on: February 22, 2007, 09:44:24 pm »
 ;D  ;D

 :-* :-*

For some reason this has brought a big smile to my face.

Gone a bit quiet though  :P

Mark Lane-Matthews

  • Posts: 303
Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #67 on: February 23, 2007, 12:06:19 am »
Hi guys
I still use allerg-STOP and promote it but not as much as i used to,It is not given enough back up as it should be by the manufacturers or suppliers unfortunatly as it is a bloody good product, i also use M power which is a excellent cleaner and would like to try it against Nemisis,I do not like  using detergents as i have had resoiling problems in the past  even after neutralising them with an acidic rinse ,which is down to my own personal experience ,never the less i would not be without  ultrapac renovate on board to break down draught marks and soot deposits.I know there are a lot of people against solutions on this board rightly or wrongly but at the end of the day they do produce some fantastic products with good service IMO untill personally proved otherwise

Have you personally used these products first hand or are you just jumping on to the band wagon as i would be interested to know

                             Cheers Mark

Matt Lindus

Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #68 on: February 23, 2007, 10:22:59 am »

My apologies for having only recently joined the forum and then having had the audacity to make a post which you appear to take some exception to judging by your accusation of me obviously using a pseudonym.

As for clarity, just look back at previous posts on the subject matter, its as clear as daylight exactly what Matt is setting out to do.   

To the fake Mr Richards, ;D

Get back to your own forum, John, Nick or who ever you are!


  • Posts: 680
Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #69 on: February 23, 2007, 10:35:38 am »
 a derivative is the rate of change of a quantity. A derivative is an instantaneous rate of change: it is calculated at a specific instant rather than as an average over time. The process of finding a derivative is called differentiation. The reverse process is integration. The two processes are the central concepts of calculus and the relationship between them is the fundamental theorem of calculus.

This article assumes an understanding of algebra, analytic geometry, and the limit.

For a real-valued function of a single real variable, the derivative at a point equals the slope of the line tangent to the graph of the function at that point. Derivatives can be used to characterize many properties of a function, including

whether and at what rate the function is increasing or decreasing for a fixed value of the input to the function
whether and where the function has maximum or minimum values
The concept of a derivative can be extended to functions of more than one variable (see multivariable calculus), to functions of complex variables (see complex analysis) and to many other cases.

Differentiation has many applications throughout all numerate disciplines. For example, in physics, the derivative of the position of a moving body is its velocity and the derivative of the velocity is the acceleration.

life is one big learning experience!!!!!!!


Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #70 on: February 23, 2007, 11:17:43 am »

how you might sell these types of products and services. check out my test site. it has some mistakes and is only an idea for the type of message to market match that i am testing at the moment.



Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #71 on: February 23, 2007, 11:47:41 am »
qoute;********these big van mounted machines use large amounts of fuel to heat the water and run the machine. they are over engineered for the purpose of cleaning carpets in a home. and only benefit the user as they allow quicker setup up times. and they don't add any benefits to the service provided.**********

lol, ;D Ian, till you get one.

no benifits to the customer?  hhmmmmmmmmm


Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #72 on: February 23, 2007, 01:50:12 pm »

had one. did not like them. hoses heavy higher cost etc, large investment etc


Phillip Mold

  • Posts: 594
Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #73 on: February 23, 2007, 05:19:42 pm »
Tried to use the site  ( to see if I am listed, but could get the links to work from the county map.

Nice idea though!
Doing the best job in the world as well as I can


Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #74 on: February 23, 2007, 05:31:26 pm »
hi Phillip

Still working on it all.


  • Posts: 11382
Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #75 on: February 23, 2007, 05:45:07 pm »
I find that with my TM that I use less water than when I was portable also carpets are drier quicker so the central heating needs to be on less, also I use considerably less chemical and that also means less packaging.

How does that compare with your equasions?

Oh and no extra electricity for heating water or running the machine.

I think the green issues of running a carpet cleaning machine are negative if you think of what is needed to make a new carpet.



  • Posts: 1899
Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #76 on: February 23, 2007, 06:19:28 pm »

If memory serves me right your truckmount was an old bruin that seemed to be always breaking down.

Perhaps with a newer version of a TM that had better and more reliable performance you would have a different opinion.

A TM has massive benefits for me and the customer.  Example two jobs done today that Ive done before with the portable.  First carpet touch dry before I left, jobs where completed quicker.  Finished at 3pm with time to do other quotes and £400 in my pocket.  I never had days like that with a portable.

With your marketing enthusiasm (sp) I think that with a TM you would achieve a lot more.



  • Posts: 2961
Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #77 on: February 23, 2007, 06:25:15 pm »
Mark is right on the nail,I have just gone truckmount the last couple of weeks and have found the same.Much faster,much easier and carpets amazingly drier.
Never thought it possible as I had been using a powerfull top end porty the last couple of years,but the truckmount is truely a different world.
Paul Moss  MBICSc


Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #78 on: February 23, 2007, 06:28:20 pm »

this was just a way to show how easy it is to put spin on any issue.

our government has made smokers feel bad about the choice they have made to smoke. its taken about twenty years for the pressure or so called special interest groups to get there way.

its about to start with the green issue. starting with 4*4 and now its little black boxes in our cars.

in the end we all make our own choices. but now the powers that be have found a way to force their agendas. (tax)


as i said guys benefits you and not customer. with respect you are just justifying your choice. no problem with that. all that can be done with tm can be done with less overhead, and just as quick if that what you want? btw a local friend does that day in and out with portables.

Dave Roelants

  • Posts: 289
Re: AllergStop Network - Solution Uk
« Reply #79 on: February 23, 2007, 06:31:27 pm »
The map link from you site is like something out of the eighteenth century, Cumberland and Westmorland? Even round here no-one can remember where they were!
Best Regards
Best Regards, Dave,
Lakeland Carpet Cleaning, 1st in the UK with 4 to the door!