Thanks Easyclean, bought some yesterday, remains to be seen if they are any good.
One thing I did notice last night when I put my battery on charge is that all the cells were bubbling apart from one. Presume it means then that, that particular cell is not taking any charge so my capacity will be down, as only 5 are working.
Is that right Jeff?
Sorry paul had visitors last night :
If one of your cells is not charging it could well be dead, each cell gives an output of 2v+ so this will take your battery below its working capacity, but before you write it off, drop your tablets in and give them 24hrs to do the biz, if your lucky the cell may well recover?
If you have a digital multi-meter keep checking the voltage at the battery terminal, (charger Disconnected ) to see if you get an increase in voltage, but to get an accurate reading the battery has to be left standing for a couple of hours after a charge, this gives it chance to settle.
If there is no increase in your voltage after the above, then the best place for your battery is the local tip.
If you have to buy a new battery then buy the sealed one. These you can tell, by no removable lids or screw tops.