Let's look at the guarantees:
1 Stainbusters guarantee that nobody can clean your carpets, curtains and upholstery cleaner How is the customer to put this to the test? Have it cleaned again by someone else? if so SB can respond:
(a) A second clean can always improve slightly.
(b) If they had cleaned first it probably would not have been as clean as we left it.
2 Stainbusters guarantee that if your stain can be removed we will remove it. If we don't and somebody else subsequently does we will give you your money back. Not a great gamble - have we not all followed someone else's attempts at stain removal, only to concude that prior attempts had set the stain?
3 Stainbusters guarantee not to soak, shrink or stretch your carpets and furnishings. If they cause damage they are liable, with or without a guarantee.
4 Stainbusters guarantee that your carpets will be READY TO USE IN 1 HOUR after completion of the standard cleaning process Again not an extravagant claim - They do not say the carpets will be dry - could you not claim that the carpets you clean are ready for use 10 seconds after cleaning? (wellies not provided
) I note that they do not include suites in this claim (custies do not wear shoes on thier bums)
So you see that none of these claims are dishonest in advertising terms and they do not exceed anything which most carpet cleaners could offer.
Putting them in statement form as Stainbusters have will undoubtably impress some potential customers - Is this not the basis of advertising? - to paint the prettiest of pictures?
I know if I had ever advertised I would have claimed all of this ........................and much more