I'm not confusing Protected, with Protection, in fact, I was mistakenly thinking that Aqua M
was referring to all suites, rather than Leather when referring to 3 monthly applications of protector, but I am shocked, that it's being suggested Protection is required on such a regular basis.
You stated some time ago, that the only conditioner required for leather, was water and anything else, was a waste of money and unnecessary.
Not sure what your advocating for Protection, as in my 20 years of cleaning and trialling products, I've only used one Protector on finished leather, which worked in exactly the same way as a Protector on fabric.
I only used this a few times, as I failed to see any real benefit and the outcome, as is usually the case, when adding on costs to consumers.............is longer periods between cleans, or requests for the basic cleaning, only.
It's all very well, suggesting that the cleaning services, add on as much as possible, to maximise sales...........but I'm afraid, the reality, is quite different.
With furniture prices getting lower, including leather, consumers are not going to accept a cleaning cost, which represents around 20% of replacement cost............neither would I.
Everyone is looking for VALUE and this is generally perceived as COST EFFECTIVE.
This doesn't mean CHEAP, but it must represent GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY and cleaning a leather suite, is a lot easier than cleaning fabric, so why "kill the goose"
If there is a drop in individual cleaners volume, of work, perhaps they should take a close look at.....
What standards they are delivering
What they are charging
How they present themselves
and be totally honest about the results.
Being polite, well mannered and giving an impression of confidence and competence, goes a long way.