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  • Posts: 5855
Re: Are you Liable if you put down grit after wfp work
« Reply #20 on: December 25, 2006, 10:53:42 am »
No your right paul its not often we need anything down here.
That alcohol based solution sounds good though.


Forgot to mention that I also carry a floor squeegee to clear any water that may land in porchways.
Good idea that one.


  • Posts: 2986
Re: Are you Liable if you put down grit after wfp work
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2006, 12:05:05 pm »
I've used the road salt, it adds to your grip, it doesn't detract from, I've even tried to slip on it on purpose, doesn't happen, it just scrunches up.
I wouldn't put up a ladder with any kind of grit on the floor, but as far as walking on the stuff goes it is fine.

If we have snow, or if the roads and pavements ice up, the council will spread grit on both the roads and pavements.
If the roads are gritted, the grit doens't just stay on the road, it also sprays over the pavement too, so the odds are that if you have used road salt, so have the council, apportioning blame isn't going to be easy if someone does slip, and what if the slip was because of something else?

It's all very well saying you have tripped over because of salt on the floor, proving it is something else again.

Try suing the council if your car wheel has slammed into a pothole and caused damage, the pothole is there big and bold, but producing the evidence is no easy matter.
Ditto if you trip over in a pot hole.

Just because you say you have been felled by this or that isn't enough, you really do need proof, and then of course you have to prove who exactly is at fault.

Sorry, I've really wandered off topic there a little I know, but there are always other factors involved on pavement trips and falls.
I've almost gone arse over top because I've stood on a wet drainhole cover, ditto because I walked into a shop with wet feet (nothing to do with WFP).

Do I claim that it is the shops fault for not having anti slip flooring? Or maybe there was something else on the floor that made it slippy, perhaps the cleaning had to much soap in his/her bucket when the floor was mopped?
Maybe the soles on my footwear had worn smooth.

And so on and so on.

Road salt isn't like ball bearings, we'd have cars flying of the road left right and centre if it was.



  • Posts: 5855
Re: Are you Liable if you put down grit after wfp work
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2006, 02:06:42 pm »
Good point Ian.
I think it would be almost impossible to sue the council,once the court heard they had taken all preventative steps to stop someone slipping.

I think the same thing would happen, if we could show we also had taken preventative measures to prevent someone slipping.

I have seen road salt and no way is it big enough to slip on.
thats why the council use it.