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texas girl

  • Posts: 348
Goals for 2007
« on: December 11, 2006, 12:50:52 am »
Just curious;

What sort of goals have you set for 2007.  Or have you thought about setting any?

One of mine is to have absolutely no debt. I know there are more, but that is a real important one to me.

How about the rest of you chaps?

What do you want to do in 2007?


Texas Girl :-*

craig jwc

  • Posts: 1076
Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2006, 12:54:10 am »
My main one is to pay my ex-wife off.

But iwould like to increase my work load so i can have a 2nd van on the road.

Might be a bit much of a goal for the 2nd but you never know


texas girl

  • Posts: 348
Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2006, 01:03:13 am »

Sounds like great goals to me. I hope you achieve them.

Some goals are large and general; some are small and specific.

Every success begins with the idea and a desire and a plan.

Then comes achievement.

No goals are unimportant or stupid. (unless you are an evil idiot).

No one on this forum is stupid or evil.

Hugs :-*

craig jwc

  • Posts: 1076
Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2006, 01:08:53 am »
If the work keeps coming in like it has then i can see it happening, but you know how it is.

I've managed all my goals for this year and a bit more so at the moment i'm on a bit of a high.

Just looked out of the window and if this weather keeps up it could mean another day off >:(

Like your calendar by the way - very nice :P


Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2006, 07:01:00 am »
My goals are:
To be debt free!!
To own a wpf trailer by the end of 2007.
To get another 100 customers.
Thats about it


Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2006, 08:32:41 am »
Hi Texas Girl.

My goals are:

1 My turnover up by £1500-£2000 a month.

2 Spend more quality time wiyh the ones i love.



Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2006, 09:58:11 am »
Hi Texas,

Like Macc to spend more time with the family, at least one day in the week plus weekends. Have more time going on the work ;)

To do this I am alligning my work by pushing it to 5 weeks instead of 4 weeks as I have too much work. Also get rid of my rubbish work but this will be hard as I have a good rapport with my customers.

Increase my prices on my low paying houses, set a min price of £5.50.

Invest in a DIY vacuum gutter cleaner.

Try one more time in employing someone.

Along with the guys on the SLWCN to try and raise the profile of the window cleaning license. This I feel will be biggest benefit to our Industry in Scotland which will help prices rise.

And lastley to be a better father, man in life. We all try but its hard.



  • Posts: 114
Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2006, 10:28:08 am »
Mine our to bring peace to the world and try and help everyone live in harmony.

If that fails, my next goal is to upgrade to a 35ft c/f pole.


Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2006, 10:33:10 am »
My goals are

To make more money but thats and easy one as im having a customer cull after xmas and take on better jobs.

And to have a bloody good holiday.

And to win the lottery


Paul Coleman

Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2006, 10:44:49 am »
My initial goals are about increasing my income sharply.  Although money isn't everything, being in debt can have big repercussions on other areas of life.  Therefore, although becoming debt free next year is unrealistic, I do have a goal to reduce my debt levels as much as possible.


  • Posts: 3120
Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2006, 11:26:32 am »
as said already canvass for higher priced work sell off or throw away crap I don't think i'm earning no where near enough now wfp 3.5 months starting to see an increase in speed and earnings.
would like to go abroad next year haven't had a real holiday since becoming a windowcleaner :(.

2007 january leafleting big time posh houses selling the fact can do con roofs.
this time next year will be a millionare ;D
Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.     - Aristotle


Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2006, 01:03:49 pm »
My goals for 2007 w/c wise is to obtain a round of 4.5 days per week with the average prices that I currently have, after that it is to cull all jobs that require me getting the ladder off the van....

Also to get rid of those who pay late and bugger me around as at the minute they have the upper hand which is a postion that I would dearly like to reverse.


eddie d

Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2006, 03:48:01 pm »
to chill out


  • Posts: 84
Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2006, 05:34:11 pm »
my goals are to have the same sort of year as this year really.

Been a good one all round for me. Starting up a business as seen my life change beyound what I thought it would(all positive)

Being your own boss has it's up's and it's down but you get paid well and can enjoy the odd early finish when you like.

For me 2007 will be a year of growth, selling the fact that WFP is the way forward. I am lucky I have a fully fitted van with all the kit and mu customers love the WFP. I just want to get about anohter one hundred customers by the summer to make this system really run @ it's full earning potential.

WFP spin off's are great roof cleaning has made me some money already this year and I will set a goal for earnings on this for 2007

Appart from that I would like a couple of nice holiday next year with my wife and children... I will then be happy  ;D

Wozza. ;)


Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2006, 05:37:41 pm »
goals for 2007

completely finish VW splitscreen campervan ;)

come the summer months use above campervan everyother weekend ( inc mondays )

enjoy my 2 weeks in disney

maybe get a work van at the end of the year

keep on earning and spending and enjoying life ;)


Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2006, 07:31:32 pm »
goals for 2007

completely finish VW splitscreen campervan ;)

come the summer months use above campervan everyother weekend ( inc mondays )

enjoy my 2 weeks in disney

maybe get a work van at the end of the year

keep on earning and spending and enjoying life ;)

oh and pay for it all ;)


Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2006, 11:42:26 pm »
Im thinking about having some additional services.

Like decking cleaning and restoration for spring summer.
And maybe roof cleaning.

As im sure there is not to many people offering these services and would be well paying work.
But these services will only happen if i can some sort of training on how to clean them properly.


texas girl

  • Posts: 348
Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #17 on: December 12, 2006, 04:13:15 am »
How inspiring it is to read the goals that have been posted.

I have several but as I said, I am going to be debt free in 2007. It hasn't been easy.

I have been on a really tight budget. NO SHOPPING!
Torture for a woman. No cleaning lady. Do my own nails(most of the time), Haven't had a pedicure for a while. Cut out everything from my expenses that I possibly could.

Every penny that is available goes towards debt. I should be debt free by June if I stick to my plan.  But it is hard.

I am focused on this goal because I have been in debt my entire adult life. I want to know what it feels like to pay cash for a new vehicle. :o I want to invest in my future on a serious level.

And I want to work out like mad this year. To look as great as possible. I have slacked off some since I do a lot of office work these days. But 2007 will reveal a well toned hard body. Another goal I am focused on.

And to spend more time having fun! I work a lot. You know how it is; you go out to work and then after you get home there is the other list of to do's.

And to spend more time with my family. To be organized and a better business manager.

To really FEEL happiness again. Contentment is great. But I want happiness. I have not felt really happy since Brad died.
But I know it is right around the corner.
2007 is a year of change for me; in a good way. But I know it will take a lot of work to achieve what I want. And I am ready to go to work to reach these goals


Texas Girl :-*



Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2006, 06:30:31 am »
I want to know what it feels like to pay cash for a new vehicle.

Its a fabulous feeling.   Good luck with all your goals but more importantly, I truly wish you reach your happiness goal.  I think that is probably the most important one you list.

My goal......hmm......I dont actually set myself goals.   I usually just have an idea and do it there and then.   Goals that are unobtainable straight away, put pressure on me.  I dont put pressure on myself unnecessarily.   Life is too short for that.



  • Posts: 558
Re: Goals for 2007
« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2006, 07:09:08 pm »
Would like to cut down my workload even more and have more time off from work as WFP is making me lazy!!!!!!!!!!!! I have plenty of offers of would be employees so I may possibly go down this route again although my permanent illness and past employer experience puts me off this idea!
Losing a customer is like waiting for the next bus, another one will come along shortly!