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  • Posts: 161
Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2006, 10:04:49 pm »
thats a bit like saying " why buy a brand new BMW when you could get 3 KIAs!"


I dissagree,whichever system you use or buy the end result is the same.......Pure water......
Pure Water whether its Ionics,Pure,Concept 2o or DIY is the same,the only difference is the shape,colour and price of the unit.....

If its Image youre talking about,then there is a difference.....

A New van with youre own logo on it looks far better than a clapped out van.....
Youre Stationary/Flyers are also important,they should look pro. made even if there not,

You could go on and on.......BUT Pure Water is Pure Water no matter who makes it.....


  • Posts: 985
Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2006, 10:15:54 pm »
WOW WOW Fellas ;D ;D ;D

For what I see van systems being sold for by other suppliers, I can tell you that my Reach and Wash System was not much dearer than most of these water fed pole systems I see being sold by most.

However mine is crash tested that is worth every extra penny to me its also very well made, never lets me down and I can boast and legally brandish the Reach and Wash TM the marketing power of that alone in the right hands can demolish any competition hands down especially the little guy in the rust heap 1977 vaxuall nova with backpack

I dont expect many of you to understand so say what you want back, I can take it ;D.



Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #22 on: December 04, 2006, 10:19:14 pm »
WOW WOW Fellas ;D ;D ;D

For what I see van systems being sold for buy other suppliers, I can tell you that my Reach and Wash System was not much dearer than most of these water fed pole systems I see being sold by most.

However mine is crash tested that is worth every extra penny to me its also very well made, never lets me down and I can boast and legally bradish the Reach and Wash TM the marketing power of that alone in the right hands can demolish compition hands down, I dont expect many of you to understand so say what you want back, I can take it ;D.

Ok Pro if its so powerful

how many contracts (honestly) have you got through having use of the Reach and washTM? that you couldn't of got any other way


  • Posts: 985
Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #23 on: December 04, 2006, 10:32:56 pm »
A few dont you worry about that matey ;D ;D

I have won contracts and blue chip ones too, by tender that is and at the mere age of twenty, I’m not talking over the other local shiner either I’m talking real tender. My system maybe, my comprehensive safety policies and procedures maybe. But I’m sure the hopeful’s were no were near my standard, or just didn’t come close to match the Pro ;D

Next year im going to clean up round these parts, not many stand a
chance ;D ;D



Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #24 on: December 04, 2006, 10:38:51 pm »
but still not on your system, i'm not up for a argument its all with in my interest for the future as if this is some magical power of getting contracts then i want in, but all practices that we/I put in when go for tender is not based on what  reach and wash...oops sorry...water fed pole system i use ;) i personally have just landed what could potentially be huge and not once did my system come into play, my method, insurances & Health and safety practices obviously did...thats what got me in there


  • Posts: 173
Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #25 on: December 04, 2006, 10:40:35 pm »
Pro Pole.

I like your attitude to business. You seem to be a real go getter but really you would do far better building your own branding than someone elses which in fact is exactly what you have paid to do.

That certain logo wont have got you one pennies worth of work. OK it looks pro and I imagine your vehicle does and of course yourself.

Matt was right.  Van wraps are becoming more widespread because of the impact they have. I choose to have them but ONLY to build my own branding and no-one elses.

Yes XXXX is good kit but really in this day and age there is just as good out there at much more reasonable prices. Yes be proud of yourself and your business but dont for a minute be fooled into thinking that XXXX makes any difference at all to whether you get any work or not.

Keep up the enthusiasm and .. sometimes the bolshy attitude. It will stand you in good stead for years to come but you will also learn a few hard lessons along the way.

Keep it up though  You remind me of myself many.. too many years ago.  :)


Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #26 on: December 04, 2006, 10:59:30 pm »
matt would love an ionic system and and new van but that might involve committment and getting off his whining lazy a**e to actually do some work.

" oh i only work 3 days a week my own time is much more precious"

the times i've heard that on this site. please !

You can feel the under current of envy and jelousy towards those fellas that have top class gear and new vans and.............put in the graft to be able to afford it and make a good living.

face facts, you dont have a business you have a part time job, so cut out the snide remarks and let people who want to move on do so.
Where have you suddenly spung from to be making remarks like that about Matt? ::)

He's helped a lot of people arond here get kitted out and provided a lot of useful information  regarding wfp.

If he chooses to work less and spend time designing systems then fair play to him.
That's more of a business than you've got.

No-one's jealous of you if you've got a flash system.
Not me for a start.
I work hard by hand not wfp, and I guarantee I can at least match any of your work and get more respect for it.

If choose to get wfp Matt will be an invaluable person to consult.


Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #27 on: December 04, 2006, 11:08:42 pm »
matt would love an ionic system and and new van but that might involve committment and getting off his whining lazy a**e to actually do some work.

" oh i only work 3 days a week my own time is much more precious"

the times i've heard that on this site. please !

You can feel the under current of envy and jelousy towards those fellas that have top class gear and new vans and.............put in the graft to be able to afford it and make a good living.

face facts, you dont have a business you have a part time job, so cut out the snide remarks and let people who want to move on do so.
Where have you suddenly spung from to be making remarks like that about Matt? ::)

He's helped a lot of people arond here get kitted out and provided a lot of useful information  regarding wfp.

If he chooses to work less and spend time designing systems then fair play to him.
That's more of a business than you've got.

No-one's jealous of you if you've got a flash system.
Not me for a start.
I work hard by hand not wfp, and I guarantee I can at least match any of your work and get more respect for it.

If choose to get wfp Matt will be an invaluable person to consult.

why thank you kind sir :) and i mean that, the genuine people like you, make my contribution to this board worthwhile

Oh and just out of interest he hasnt suddenly just sprung from anywhere, he has been on here for 26 months and made 32 posts (most of them jibes at me and/or DIY systems ) he is just the type of person helpfull message boards like this need  ::) ::)


Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #28 on: December 04, 2006, 11:20:16 pm »
the whole image thing for comercail contracts is a little OTT though

as you could turn up to meet the client in a nice car and a suit, they would be equally impressed with that, afterall does your client really care if you have a ionics system or a supersonics system ?? ?? ?? not really

so the "professional" look can just a easilly be achived by a nice car and a "top-shop suit" and pair of new shiney shoes (any1 remmber the flowered up song  ;D ;D ;D )

ive gone to contracts in my new car and a smart suit and got the contract, ive mentioned i use a " WFP " and showed them my shiny colour brochure and thats enough


  • Posts: 6180
Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #29 on: December 04, 2006, 11:36:23 pm »
Anyway....  ;) do you think customers will clean their own windows soon.... ;D ;D ;D ;D


  • Posts: 985
Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #30 on: December 05, 2006, 12:23:51 am »
Hi Rich,

Thanks for your kind comments.

I do infact have very well designed logo and branded corporate image which obviously helps my marketing look more professional. Also I have large panels set aside for my logo and branding etc.

I have seen wraps and although I agree that they look the biz, I can’t really justify the cost of them to be honest if you really work these things out there all win win.

If xxxx sells a king650ltr for £2899 and xxx sells his royal650ltr for £4199 now if I bought royal650 and you bought the king and also wrapped it for £1200+ and I just signed mine for £150 with my colours and flag and also had my industry number one recognised logo. I would have no doubt in my Mind that I received the better deal. Thats my opinion anyway.

Rich I am sure you have a top system withing your fleet(s)  ;)



  • Posts: 2095
Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #31 on: December 05, 2006, 01:10:20 am »
Propole - fair play to you for doing it right first time - most probably won't agree with spending x amount on an Ionics system, nor do I.  However, your drive and determination are strong points so stick at it.

As for crash testing don't be mislead - they are not conclusive tests (if anyone from Ionics or otherwise doesn't agree then let them explain how conclusive a 30mph crash test is - especially when it is a generic design, and therefore will perform differently in different vehicles and conditions).

We have just has our first tank chassis built (designed by moi) and installed, I can assure you that it will cost only a fraction of what our competitors charge.  The chassis is for a 900ltr tank, it has not been crash tested yet - we are looking into it and will let you know of any developments as they happen.
Live life in the fast lane.......if you break down you'll freewheel further

Ballymena N.I

paul mather

  • Posts: 528
Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2006, 04:25:03 pm »
Try & stick to the subject guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Use the wand of power !!

Warrington, Cheshire


Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2006, 05:03:32 pm »
propole you do well to boast of your ionics system but didn't you say some time ago that you received a grant to set your business up lots of guys will not have been fortunate enough to be in your position so cost will play a major part in their business decisions. Granted ionics is a recognised name within the industry but as far as potential customers go they tend to be intrested in weather you have a pole system not who made it. if a van is smart who can tell what system is inside it unless it is advertised on the outside.


  • Posts: 985
Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2006, 05:44:33 pm »

Let’s have this right, I never come on here singing and dancing about what system I have nor do I put down D.I.Y, I just don’t lie down and let small time merchants rubbish talk certain systems when they obviously are envious over the superior party. At the end of the day that’s what it boils down to, that’s a fact im afraid


Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #35 on: December 05, 2006, 05:52:17 pm »
i don't think it is, not from where i'm reading anyway


  • Posts: 3547
Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #36 on: December 05, 2006, 05:55:01 pm »
You have been able to buy little domestic carpet cleaning machines for years - But, that hasn't put carpet cleaners out of business!



Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #37 on: December 05, 2006, 06:01:53 pm »
i think it is all down to peoples laziness and people not really doing as good job as someone doing it day in day out, it was the same when we use to valet cars, they didn't know the good products, they don't know the tricks of the trade, they try it...bodge it...then ring up guys like us to sort it out for them!


  • Posts: 2095
Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #38 on: December 05, 2006, 06:04:53 pm »

Let’s have this right, I never come on here singing and dancing about what system I have nor do I put down D.I.Y, I just don’t lie down and let small time merchants rubbish talk certain systems when they obviously are envious over the superior party. At the end of the day that’s what it boils down to, that’s a fact im afraid

So who's putting down Ionics?
Live life in the fast lane.......if you break down you'll freewheel further

Ballymena N.I


  • Posts: 34
Re: how long before customers clean own windows
« Reply #39 on: December 05, 2006, 08:36:00 pm »
matt ,as usual December 4 06    8.22 PM