Craig that's interesting. Truckmounters are forced to put their prices up because of running costs. Now do any custys think, he's got a truckmount and I'll pay more than if it was a porty?
Most people only see the person and book and repeat book on results/service, rarely does anyone say 'have you got a truckmount' they just say will you be - able to get that stain out?, will it be dry by.....? etc.
So porty operators could theoretically charge the same.
And if you say I've got a 20hp truckmount and what that means to you is blah blah blah is good salesman ship, but the sort of thing a porty owner could say to a custy anyway.
And if you ever say to a customer you need to charge high because of your monthly payments then that's no reason at all.
The main advantage is no. of jobs/m2 you can cover per day, not the superior results cos custy don't know no better.