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  • Posts: 172
what an idiot
« on: November 07, 2006, 07:58:18 pm »
today i was cleaning a house of a really good customer she wasnt in so i left my card and then went back tonight tocollect.
when i collected she asked if i did the rear bottom windows of the house before i did the top ones above them , i said no. she said there were all drips over the bottom windows. i said i'll come back tommorrow morning to redo themand then i left trying to think what had happened because she is a good customer and not one to normally complain. then i reliased, i completely forgot to do the bottom rear windows! , i did the top and then somehow forgot. i feel really bad and will be straight round tommorrow to do them and somehow beg for fogiveness, its looks really bad because it might look as if i forgot to do them on purpose and was just trying to see what i could get away with. if shes not in im going toleave my card with a apology on it

i just dont know how i forgot to do a massive set of windows , it wasnt like it was just one little one

is this an easy mistake to make that other window cleaners make or am i just an idiot



Re: what an idiot
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2006, 08:02:39 pm »
your an idiot ;)

no i forgot to clean someones front door down the other day, thats cause his neighbour was keeping me talking, i don't normally forget to do any windows i think i would reflect poorly on you and they'll think your trying to pull one over on them


  • Posts: 980
Re: what an idiot
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2006, 08:03:14 pm »
It sure is mate happenss to the best of! We don't always have that problem though cause we have one person on tops and another on bottoms!


  • Posts: 1549
Re: what an idiot
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2006, 08:04:02 pm »
Dont worry i do it all the time  ::)

It is abit embarasing though you think to yourself i bet she thinks i did it on purpose

Its easy done the best bet is to come clean and say im ever so sorry but i think i did miss those windows and hope thats an end to it

All the best


Re: what an idiot
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2006, 08:43:56 pm »
Ive done it on a living room window, it was massive

Oh and it allso had 3 lots of bird poo on it

now i did look a little silly


  • Posts: 175
Re: what an idiot
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2006, 09:26:58 pm »
 :)yea been there done it left half a window done top half left bottom couldnt believe it when customer phoned me  ???
today i be mostly wfp

brett walker

  • Posts: 1943
Re: what an idiot
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2006, 09:46:21 pm »
I once soaped a window and forgot to blade it off :-[

at least you not one of those window cleaners that miss windows on purpose and there are one or two about :o




  • Posts: 2095
Re: what an idiot
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2006, 09:51:05 pm »
hahaha I actually forgot to do a whole house once!!  Was about to start then the mobile went, blah blah and several more blahblahs later I hung up and packed up.  I only realised about 2 or 3hrs later!!

Tried to blame it on the guy working with me but he wasn't having any of it!! ;D
Live life in the fast lane.......if you break down you'll freewheel further

Ballymena N.I


  • Posts: 172
Re: what an idiot
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2006, 09:53:49 pm »
its relieveing to know its been done by other window cleaners, i just hope she dont think im a cowboy trying to con her


  • Posts: 5855
Re: what an idiot
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2006, 09:56:37 pm »
If your like me, every regular customer I have, I have a set routine on every house, this is even without thinking, you walk up to a house and start your clean on Exactly the same window of that house,

I missed one once and for the life of me could not think why, it then dawned on me that I was playing football with the owners dog, and forgot to do the kitchen window.

She never told me until the next time I turned up, and I did trust her, as she is an excellent customer. I just knocked £1 and she refused and paid in full,  she knew it was an honest mistake.
So it happens to us all.

captain lard

  • Posts: 304
Re: what an idiot
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2006, 10:11:26 pm »
I did a house in the summer and the old bloke who lives there was chatting to me the whole time and I finished and went to the next house,as I climbed the ladder to do the first window on the next house next door to his I was thinking God I flew on Jimmy's house and glanced over to his house and realised I had missed the two windows on the side of the property - so I went back to sort it out.
Last week I was getting me ladder up against the first upstairs window and heard running water,looking across the top floor I saw the bathroom window open,wide and thought someones having a bath,the lady of the house is 40 odd,ginger and big so I missed the bathroom window out when I did the front and did the rest of the house hoping that by the time I came back to the front the bath might have ended but she was still splashing about and I didnt want to go up there so deliberately missed the window but am back in the street this week and am going to pop up and sort that window out .Her sister lives over the road and always pays for both jobs so I had been paid up front,was pleased cos I didnt want to knock.

Paul Coleman

Re: what an idiot
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2006, 11:54:16 pm »
today i was cleaning a house of a really good customer she wasnt in so i left my card and then went back tonight tocollect.
when i collected she asked if i did the rear bottom windows of the house before i did the top ones above them , i said no. she said there were all drips over the bottom windows. i said i'll come back tommorrow morning to redo themand then i left trying to think what had happened because she is a good customer and not one to normally complain. then i reliased, i completely forgot to do the bottom rear windows! , i did the top and then somehow forgot. i feel really bad and will be straight round tommorrow to do them and somehow beg for fogiveness, its looks really bad because it might look as if i forgot to do them on purpose and was just trying to see what i could get away with. if shes not in im going toleave my card with a apology on it

i just dont know how i forgot to do a massive set of windows , it wasnt like it was just one little one

is this an easy mistake to make that other window cleaners make or am i just an idiot


I've done this a few times over the years myself.  It's so easy to do.
One particular job I did all the back windows, then the next door neighbour got quite chatty.  I then did all the front windows.  I never touched any of the side ones - oops !!  Felt a right burke when I was told about it.  I imagine that any window cleaner who's been doing it for a while has probably missed a window here and there.  It's only a problem when you get a difficult customer who assumes you've done it intentionally.


  • Posts: 3503
Re: what an idiot
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2006, 05:34:18 pm »
I miss the odd one, but not half as many as I do twice. And I'm stiil doing it now with WFP. Dai


Re: what an idiot
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2006, 10:41:24 pm »
i can beat all stories like this

i worked as a carpenter for the local council
 me and my work-mate were both on the agency at the time

he had his own company installing UPVC windows, had a team of fitters working for him

dont ask me why he worked for the council (he was doing very well from his UPVC company,he also did building work aswell, he had it all, nice cars,  big house etc etc, though it all went in the slump of the early 90's), i suspect it was to do with the "building materials" he could get that were sometimes "spare"

anyways, we would go and measure up the windows in the councils time, and then he would have them made, then in a few weeks get his team to fit them

so we go to meet the team, they pull up in the van, he says "right, im off to pick up the windows, you start to rip out the old"

so we go and pick the windows up, have some breakie, get back to the house and he goes mad

"they havent done anything" he shouts, lazy buggers

so we jump out of the van

1 of them comes to the van and says "she wasnt in, so we waited a while, then tore 1 of the sash's out and ripped the front out"

they had done the house next door  ::) ::) all the windows ripped out of the front

its a true story, i was there in person

allways cracks me up


  • Posts: 364
Re: what an idiot
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2006, 10:48:24 pm »
I've missed loads, and left them half done too,  usually due to daydreaming, or getting distracted by someone, its nice to see I'm not the only one!

captain lard

  • Posts: 304
Re: what an idiot
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2006, 10:48:56 pm »
What happened when the owner returned!!!!


Re: what an idiot
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2006, 10:54:38 pm »
What happened when the owner returned!!!!

went mad, as we had to board over the openings

phoned the police aswell

she did get the whole house done with new UPVC windows, fascia's and gutters, to be fair, she did well out of it

captain lard

  • Posts: 304
Re: what an idiot
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2006, 11:04:08 pm »
What a nightmare - cant help but laugh like!!


  • Posts: 793
Re: what an idiot
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2006, 06:18:21 pm »
i have left soap on windows before without squeegeeing them off!
bloody mobiles have a lot to answer for!!