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  • Posts: 576
What goes on with Osprey!
« on: November 01, 2006, 06:38:54 pm »
Ironically after the long debate about whether or not to polish Altro floors and Mikes comment about the benefit of using steam to clean (irrespective of cost)  ;), I now have to buy a dry steam machine to service another job whether I like it or not.  :-[

So I contact a number of suppliers including Lavor, Duplex and Osprey. Lavor and Duplex, no problem everything you would expect, immediate demo's good advice great service, price etc.

Osprey on the other hand were a complete waste of time. No info on phone, I have to wait for an area rep to contact me. 2 days and no call until I phone back and complain.

Then, no chance of a demo for a month (great when I need the kit in 2 weeks). So I then have to call on 3 separate days before I can get a price for a particular machine because there is nobody available to take my call.

How surprising that its the same girl who finally gave me the price (which meant she could of done all the time), however not before she had the audacity to huff at me down the phone, and then quickly announces that the machine goes up  by £150 the very next day due to a November price increase!  >:(

Getting slightly miffed I ask if I can speak to a manager or a technical person to talk about the machine. She states that she will give my number to the sales director who will call me that day. 2 days later (and no contact) again I call to ask to speak to the sales director who had apparently gone home, although I was assured that he had been given my number. She advised that she would call him on his mobile and get him to contact me immediately. You guessed it NOTHING.

If it takes this much to buy a machine from Osprey, what do you reckon their after sales service is like!

Everyone seems normal untill you get to know them!


  • Posts: 3688
Re: What goes on with Osprey!
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2006, 09:40:58 pm »
It would've been 2 call backs max for me DP.

I'm suprised you wasted your time chasing them.

*Chris Browne

  • Posts: 863
Re: What goes on with Osprey!
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2006, 10:06:52 pm »
Same here :-[



  • Posts: 576
Re: What goes on with Osprey!
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2006, 10:21:08 pm »
To be honest, Im wondering myself, I think its because Ive now got a bee in my bonnet. But time is money as they say and I should know better.

I just keep thinking that if I run my business like that, I wouldn’t have one.  ;)
Everyone seems normal untill you get to know them!

D woods

Re: What goes on with Osprey!
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2006, 10:54:08 am »
You must be steaming mad


  • Posts: 576
Re: What goes on with Osprey! New
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2006, 06:30:54 pm »
Well the sales director finally rings me today at 4.45pm on my mobile. This guy was actually annoyed about why he was asked to ring me and asked me why couldn’t  I have just spoken to one of his sales staff instead. Remember he thought this was a sales enquiry, so if I wasn’t already miffed, I certainly would have been by now. Also it was the girl that decided who I should speak to, not me.

When I then start to explain WHY, he got aggressive and refused to acknowledge any suggestion of bad service whatsoever. His answer when I finally told him that I got fed up waiting and bought a Duplex instead was "Oh just the one was it".

Well not really Mr Osprey, because I wont buy the next one from you either!

What a poxy company.  >:(

Everyone seems normal untill you get to know them!