I watched Mark H's Window Cleaning DVD today (I've yet to write a review of it).
Anyway, Mark H carries stuff that I don't and organises his kit much differently to mine. I'm not implying he's right and I'm wrong, but it has got me thinking about the basics again.
I use Unger Ergotech belt kit; I like the padded belt since it doesn't cut into my waist (I must be getting fat), and I use a bucket on a belt on my left, with two Ergotech pouches; one on my right (for a dry scrim) and one on my rear for a micro-fibre in my rear pouch which I generally use as a sill cloth. My sill cloth can get as wet and dirty as it likes, and I've used it for days on end without washing it!!! I'll just wring it out and wash it under the odd outside tap.
I also carry a bottle of cleaning solution in my rear pouch too (to save carrying a bucket about).
I keep my two-and-a-half inch scraper in my bucket on a belt and generally use a 14 inch applicator and squeegie for my routine residental work.
The Unger Ergotech pouches also have a velcro pocket that's great for keeping your 'working list', pen, and 'your window cleaner has been chits' in. I used to use a 'bum bag', but that was a pain, since it's an extra bit of kit to cart about.
I wear Regatta work wear trousers; there's pockets with zips everywhere; great for keeping mobile phone, MP3 player, wallet, change and notes safe.
What trad gear do you use and how do you organise yourself?