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  • Posts: 125
Trigger bleach kitchen sprays?
« on: October 27, 2006, 02:19:25 pm »
We get ours by the 100 from Tesco as their sprays are really good in the kitchens etc of our clients sites. Is there a good alternative to this, we're a bit sick of having to order through Tesco and wait for them to be bothered to oreder them in!



  • Posts: 619
Re: Trigger bleach kitchen sprays?
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2006, 10:13:06 am »

We use them too, have you used the blue or yellow multi spray?
I order off the internet and get them to deliver about £100 worth of cleaning kit does me for a month



  • Posts: 332
Re: Trigger bleach kitchen sprays?
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2006, 09:04:30 pm »
Its only my opinion but if all you clean with is stuff anyone can get from Tesco your not offrering anything differant that what the custy can do. as for bleach sprays you have got to be very carefull as these can leave streaks if it is allowed to run. for example cuboard fronts etc

there is some usefull things in Tescos but your kit needs to be more proffesional, but its only my oppinion.

I use proffesional strenght products from Johnson Diversey and others, I have tried everything and I allways come back to quality products, the finish is better and dwell times are shorter thus cleaning is quicker.
hope this helps kind regards Phil.
Who Dares Wins

Cleaning Resource

  • Posts: 495
Re: Trigger bleach kitchen sprays?
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2006, 11:49:49 pm »
you gotta agree with him above me,

   why don`t you type in cleaning supplies into google you`ll look so much more proffesional and save money and get the job done quicker with better gear.

I take it when you order from tescos you don`t get cosh sheets..........

I re label all my chemicals into my own branding, looks spot on custys love it ;D


  • Posts: 619
Re: Trigger bleach kitchen sprays?
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2006, 08:07:32 am »
Hello above me,

I hear what tour saying but I look at the time spent getting all the chemicals into bottles ,labeling etc and think that is time consuming ( correct me if I'm wrong).
tesco spray just throw them in the van and ready to use


  • Posts: 3688
Re: Trigger bleach kitchen sprays?
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2006, 02:35:43 pm »

I re label all my chemicals into my own branding, looks spot on custys love it ;D

Where do you buy the labels from?

Cleaning Resource

  • Posts: 495
Re: Trigger bleach kitchen sprays?
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2006, 10:00:52 pm »
I print the labels myself, I don`t rebottle i just relable the front label I leave the back one as it is cos its usually got all the gumpf written on it. it only takes two min and looks so much better ;D