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  • Posts: 26
Really fussy woman
« on: October 14, 2006, 11:45:04 pm »
Hi there everyone,
just needed a few opinions if possible.

We got a new domestic clean two weeks ago and the lady is proving to be a real fussy b*****d.  Nothing we do is right even though we have cleaned at least three years of grime from her shower and kitchen areas and done everything she has asked. 

She says that she has had a cleaner for 10 years and has never had to come home and clean up afterwards. I explained that we were deep cleaning for the first few times to make it easier to maintain ( I even took photo's on my phone 'cos I'd never seen such minging grime in a shower! Didn't tell her though).  She wasn't happy with that and actually said that she was mortified that she has paid us up to £60 and we had done nothing!!!
She had unbelievably left a note this week asking us to make sure we left the place 'smelling clean' and with 'hoover marks' in the carpet to prove that we had done something.

We have nearly 30 domestic clients and each of those is more than happy, (we do regular feedback calls and such). 

I know that the other cleaner she had was rubbish because of the built in grime which we have now removed.

How do I word a letter to tell her saying that we don't want to clean for her anymore?  Or do you think I'm being touchy?
I know that with a bit of advertising I could replace her within the week, but I don't want her bad mouthing us.

Ideas, sil vous plait,

Thank you

Jan K

  • Posts: 665
Re: Really fussy woman
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2006, 07:39:14 am »
i would tell her that you feel that you get the impression she feels you are unable to meet her standards and suggest she finds a different cleanning company.
anyone with facebook can add me at this link ...  jan 'minkeedj' kindon  .... if you can be bothered lol


  • Posts: 69
Re: Really fussy woman
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2006, 06:17:59 pm »
Simple answer. Tell her your standards are obviously not as low as hers. You clean, not just appear to clean. When you are finished, the premises are CLEAN. Apperance is not everything, b*****y hell even Liz Taylor is getting married again. What's that got to do with cleaning I here you ask?

Not a lot, but then if she can get married, looking like that, at her age then there's hope for all of us!

Back to the point in hand.

You can please some of the customers all of the time, and all of the customers some of the time, but never all of the customers all of the time. Do not, never try, refrain, from trying to be all things to all people. You get very tired and basically disappear up a very dark bodily orifice.

Give up on her. She is probably costing you more in stress and trying to satisfy her demands than the contract is worth.
Nils illegitimi carborundum


  • Posts: 315
Re: Really fussy woman
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2006, 06:21:49 pm »
hi there
 I had a similar situation a few years ago. later found out that she had been through just about every local company and nobody could stand her. she rang  half a dozen times to get me to go back but no way, i'd rather stick angry wasps up my nose than put up with such unreasonableness.



  • Posts: 26
Re: Really fussy woman
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2006, 10:19:44 pm »
I have definately decided to get rid, like you say more stress than we need!  Can't be sat at home every Friday evening expecting the call from hell, it would be nice if she begged for us to go back though! Just so I can say 'nah, been there, done that'!! :P
I went out this morning and delivered 500 leaflets so hopefully her spot will be filled before we know it...
Cheers everyone.


Re: Really fussy woman
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2006, 09:51:14 am »
I think I would write to her telling her that you will now be finishing your contract with her because she is obviously hot happy with your work.  State that you will not continue to supply a service & take payment off a customer who is obviously not happy.      I would also go on to say that in your opinion, you have spent amny hours bringing her home up to standard by doing "deep Cleans".   For eg......before & After picture of her shower....which because of the huge amount of grime on it, took 2 hours to clean.

This will embarass her slightly, knowing you have photo evidence that could be shown if she bad mouths you.

I would go back 1 more time, take pictures of before & after, and write the letter. 

Cleaning Resource

  • Posts: 495
Re: Really fussy woman
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2006, 12:21:02 pm »

   I would politly tell her she is a minger :o and show her the photos you took and tell her you only took them because you`ve never seen such a minging house, ;D i woulld drag her to the shower and show her the difference untill she has to agree that it is now clean I would then drag her round the rest of the house pointing out how minging it was and how hard you have had to work to get it to an acceptable standard, finnish of by giving her an invoice and telling her that you no longer wish to submit your staff to working in such a minging environment and you will therefore no longer be cleaning her premises so she will either have to stop being a lazy minger and do her own cleaning or just get used to living in filfth. smile politly and walk away with a big smile on your face ;D


  • Posts: 102
Re: Really fussy woman
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2006, 01:37:19 pm »

I can identify with your situation at the moment.  We have been cleaning for a family for 3 weeks now and in those 3 weeks I have had 2 phone calls from the lady saying she "im perplexed as to what it is you actually done today"!

Well fortunately if I didnt have as many satisfied customers as I did then I would let this really get to me.

Luckily someone on a previous post I started also advised me you cant please everyone all the time and people have different standards (hers i think are unobtainable!).

The lady has 3 children and when we go in magazines, shoes, socks, pens, glasses food places etc are strewn all over the place.  nester tables are pulled out and the breakfast dishes are still out on the table.  I do ask clients to clear away clutter so we can clean but she obviously hasnt grasped this concept.  Tidying up after her takes time away from cleaning.  And as she works full time im betting that when the kids come home the house is very much likely to go back to being untidy and therefore she cant see the benefits of having the clean done.

Anyway....I have decided three strikes and she is out.  If she phones one more time to rudely tell me she is "perplexed" then im getting rid.  It is a big contract for me but one I think worth giving up!
If you pay peanuts you get a monkey!

domestic bliss

  • Posts: 161
Re: Really fussy woman
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2006, 09:35:06 pm »
I have had the same problem with one client for about a year now and every week she complains.  I am amazed i have put up with it for this long.  The house is spotless and still it is not enough.  So i am calling it a day and telling her to find someone else.  It is stressing me out way to much. I can't wait to get rid.  I work on my own and she is the only one out of 11 clients that have ever complained i always get positive feedback so i don't think it's my ability as a cleaner.  Get rid and give yourself an easier life!!

Cleaning Resource

  • Posts: 495
Re: Really fussy woman
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2006, 10:12:05 pm »
politly insult her (whilst smiling of cause)before you chuck it in