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  • Posts: 304
Persistance pays off
« on: October 13, 2006, 12:20:50 pm »
Did a clean 23rd September 2005 and was unable to get payment despite several special journeys. Each time I was in the area I would knock the door but without any success. Last month out of frustration I sprayed the windows and let them dry smeary. Anyway yesterday I knocked the door again, more in hope than expectation, and guess what, she came to the door with payment in her hand, "£7.50 is it?" Yes thanks, I said politely, as I was too astounded to make any sarcastic remark. No apology or offer of additional amount to cover wasted journey etc. whatsoever.
Still, I felt that I'd made a moral victory, no matter how insignificant.
If at first you don't succeed etc. etc.
Feel much better now

Trevor Knight

  • Posts: 1825
Re: Persistance pays off
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2006, 01:46:34 pm »
I send a small claims court notification with a letter.

Works 9/10 times.

Nice one for getting the money though!!
Covering Hampshire, Dorset, Surrey, Berkshire