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  • Posts: 167
Second cleans wfp.
« on: October 12, 2006, 08:52:10 pm »
Hi All,

A few weeks back I posted  that I was so far behind on my first cleans with wfp. Well I am now well into my second cleans and I would say that I am at least 100 % faster then my first cleans. No ladders,what a joy. Good feedback from customers. New customers, three last week worth £70, two this week worth £23. Got loads of con roofs to do also. Just got to pull my round in  to 4 weekly give or take. Roll on some good weather. 




  • Posts: 25133
Re: Second cleans wfp.
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2006, 09:05:47 pm »
You should be ashamed of yourself! No ladders - wot a pooftah! No skill in that! Bog-brush on a stick! Rip-off merchant! I bet you don't send your kids up chimneys for an extra half-crown anymore either!

New customers? Pah! You should be paying them for the privilege of working for them, you lower class low-life you! Know your place man!

Good weather? Getchyerself a sou'wester and set of oilskins man!

Anyway I can't stay here jawing all day, I've got Dobbin to feed, his harness to polish and the axles on the cart to grease. (I bet you've gone over to one of them new-fangled horseless carriages too!)

Ooops sorry, I've just turned into squeaky..... ;D
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 1137
Re: Second cleans wfp.
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2006, 09:22:26 pm »
You have broke the cammels back Pt.

Just wait till your on the 6th clean you will be flying, By the 4th clean you will never want to go back, and its an absoulte joy to knock big houses of in rapid time without haveing to climb a ladder.

I only do odd houses or windows Trad, I now hate doing them cos I prefer wfp.


Paul Coleman

Re: Second cleans wfp.
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2006, 06:58:10 am »
You have broke the cammels back Pt.

Just wait till your on the 6th clean you will be flying, By the 4th clean you will never want to go back, and its an absoulte joy to knock big houses of in rapid time without haveing to climb a ladder.

I only do odd houses or windows Trad, I now hate doing them cos I prefer wfp.


Something else I have noticed too of late.  I used to get cramp in my legs sometimes when I was relaxing after a days work.  I haven't had that for quite a while now.  Mind you, I do have intermittent tennis elbow now so it's not all good news.
I found that I really didn't start to speed up until I had done three or four cleans.  I had a few complaints on the first couple of cleans so slowed myself down a bit until I got more confident with the equipment.  These days, there is room for me to have an extra 10 days to two weeks off in each 6 week cycle - though I really need to fill it with extra work.