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someone once told me......
« on: October 12, 2006, 08:32:31 pm »
The first time i picked up a squeege was at the tender age of 17 working for a friend for two pounds an hour :o. i was quick to pick up the skills but was hamperd by  being too fussy!!. and i mean too fussy  :) thus slowing me down and not earning the boss enough.

 one day he watched me working and after i finished he came up and caught me admiring my first class job and said to me "thats a great job tom but it's not a rembrant c'mon speed up it will be there to do again in a month". I know there's nothing wrong with taking pride in your work or in doing a first class job.... but remember your loyalty from a customer is only as good as your last payment!!

In the 15yrs since when i still catch myself being overly fussy i hear his words come back to me. so i do the best job i can in the time aloted for that job and after 15yrs total of  cleaning i now do a satisfactory job ( oh ok a superb job ;)). Moral of the story is we only get paid for our time on the glass..... don't be  all day  about it so to speak. and try not to be overly fussy.

regards Tomo


  • Posts: 436
Re: someone once told me......
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2006, 08:47:42 pm »
LOL that was me today, originally had only 5 to do, i sort of slipped into a ive only got 5 to do but all day, 1st house should have been half hour was there 50 mins, but man what a job, 2nd job same again, but picked up a new customer, and so on and so on.

Picked up 3 new customers and by the last customer (a regular) it was actually done to, get a good clean in half an hour and go home, as i should have finished ages ago!!!!

Oh well, maybe if i hadnt been so particular about the first few cleans i wouldnt have picked up the new customers as they were spellbound by my skills with a squeegy and a scrim ;D ;D ;D

Oooooo that is shiny!!

sunshine windows

  • Posts: 2361
Re: someone once told me......
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2006, 11:27:24 pm »
Your 2 posts have just had me lmao. I should have had an easy day today. 11 customers to clean and thought i'd be home by around 2pm.

Bought lots of new scrims recently to make sure i have enough clean, dry ones for each days work, but still managed to forget to dry them ready for today.

First job was a complete nightmare. It has a conservatory with top openers that need scrimming off because of lead and fancy detailing on them. The cloths were still damp the weather was damp and all i could see on these blinking openers were lines everywhere. Condensation wasn't helping matters on the bottom panes either. Holding my breath to clean the windows till i was blue in the face.  :D

However on the plus side, even though the day took me longer than expected there always seem to be a guardian angel looking over me. She normally taps me on the shoulder with another couple of monthly cleans for ££££  ;D


To climb mount fuji you must first find a path
(Swindon, Wiltshire)

captain lard

  • Posts: 304
Re: someone once told me......
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2006, 11:33:13 pm »
Must admit if I havent a lot on it I seem to take ages longer than I should be taking, some days I fly and others just seem to throw up a ton of silly little problems as well.I am way to fussy I am sure.