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  • Posts: 985
Soffits and Facias
« on: October 11, 2006, 12:35:26 pm »
Hi Fellas,

How do you, clean Soffits and Facias?

I have been out this morning doing one and have another this afternoon, I use wfp but untill today never thought it great for cleaning them, however the one I done earlier came out really well, I now can have very very good controll over the pole which is important to getting it right and not looking like a mug at the same time.

Theres many tricks with wfp cleaning of soffits, facias, barge boards, most is down to the angle of the neck and the operators controll with the pole it takes a good few jobs to be a dab hand but the results from wfp can be the biz.

Going out to do next one shortly booked in for 1pm, hope this one goes smothly. Im not going to tell you my going rate per hour on this work but lets just say its alot higher than if I was shining theres good money in this work.

Things I dont like, getting absoultly soaked. But what really gets me going is when you get all dirty drips come down BANG in your eye I swear its like someone dropping a pint 20ft and it all landing in your face at 50mph, and then go to get a sip of your tea and see all dirty drips have gone in it  >:(

How do you clean it?



Re: Soffits and Facias
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2006, 12:38:06 pm »

I find the cold rinse through to my underpants is a little discomforting in the winter months though! :o


  • Posts: 985
Re: Soffits and Facias
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2006, 12:40:43 pm »
Lol Pj, ;D

I've had to come home and tuble dry my  :o Water proofs and uniform, cup of tea lovley stuff.

its raining now oh well it doesnt matter  ;)



  • Posts: 26
Re: Soffits and Facias
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2006, 12:57:23 pm »
you could wear clear cycle or ski googles to stop the drips getting in your eyes