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  • Posts: 871
please help insurance problems!!
« on: October 09, 2006, 07:57:54 pm »
hi all

can anyone give me some examples of there insurance as i have been stung by my insurer , story goes something like this

in april 2006 i was picking my wife up from work , when a lady ran into the back of me so it was her fault and i claimed off her insurance , then thought nothing of it all sorted.

2 weeks ago i recieved a letter from budget my renewal amount has doubled from 330.00 fully comp to 665.00 this is for business use.

any a claim of 1000.00. (even though we never claimed)

so i rang them and they said my car was recorded as a loss , and this is like having a claim because i told thenm about the accident.

now when i try and get quotes everything goes sky high.. cheapest quote so far 615.00

any help here guys as policy is ending at midnight

shawn ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well.


  • Posts: 3503
Re: please help insurance problems!!
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2006, 09:51:06 pm »
Shawn, They are all rip off merchants. I have a similar problem. A guy pulled out of a side road and crashed into the rear passenger door of my car. I informed my insurance company and they sent a guy out to inspect the damage. His verdict was that my car is a total loss.
Now a few years ago, if you were not to blame for an accident, your insurance co would fight your corner and claim from the guilty party. Most insurance companies stopped doing this, but try and sell you a bolt on package for claims assistance.
I have been with the AA for years and the last time I was involved in an accident they handled the claim for me and I got paid out.
Because the AA provided this service to members, I never took the claims assistance policy. Too late I find out that the AA have changed their fine print and will now only assist with claims for a fee.
Fortunately for me I have a protected no claims policy so I won't lose my no claims disscount, but the guilty party, and his insurers have got off scot free.
I would have to suie him for the excess that I have to pay.
The insurers will tell you that you only have your disscount for no claims, and whoever is to blame has got nothing to do with it.
Unless the guilty party admits in writing that he is to blame there is nothing you can do. And that my friend is the reason why all insurers tell you "under no circumstances admit responsability". As I said, they are all rip off merchants. Dai


  • Posts: 1897
Re: please help insurance problems!!
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2006, 10:51:22 pm »
Try A-Plan Insurance, the cheapest i have found, do special discounts for window cleaners. 01993 841841 and ask for Nicki Pitts. I have just got new van, and i was getting quotes around 500-600 quid, got it with them for 296.00 inc legal cover and includes my wfp equipment. My misses had an accident and had no claims discount, but her renewal still went up because of the accident!!! One insurance company said its only good if you re-insure with the company you were with when you had the accident, but they said they would still increase your policy!!!


  • Posts: 130
Re: please help insurance problems!!
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2006, 12:46:47 am »
Theres a few solicitors starting to do a service where they will fight your case and put there bill onto the claim, this also keeps your insurance out of the picture.

 Just remember if you have a bump and its not your fault give your name and address only to the other driver that way you decide what approach to take (solicitor or insurance).