URANUS, the eco friendly crap and crud encapsulation system, for customers who want to see the bottom of their piles truly agitated!
Manufactured from only the finest natural ingredients that are harvested from sustainable sources by the Fukawee tribe in a distant land never before captured on film by David Attenborough, this truly unique product will encapsulate your mind as well as the crap on your carpet, simply spray it on and stand by the window and view the world change around you, marvel at the technicolour rainbows forming on the skyline, watch the environment change before your very eyes, gone is the concrete jungle, replaced by natural beauty all around, this product is the result of years of research, why kill the whales with other cleaning products when you could improve every ones surroundings.
*Free "I saved the ice caps" t shirt with every purchase, if it doesn't fit then use it as a polishing rag for your 7.2 litre 4x4