Hi again
its actualy between £32 - £48 an hour working 6 hours a day.....5 days a week.......50 weeks a year...that will produce earnings of 48K - 72K a year is that so far fetched?...thats only 4-6 houses an hour..the key for me is being able to get enough work and i guess that is why i am doing so well because i am bloody good at door canvessing I am generating between £50 and £75 an hour in new bussiness ....let me just set the record strait here, I have a direct sales and marketing background (Kirby Vacuum Cleaners.......Done it for 8 years, This involved canvessing for appointments door to door every single day, so I guess i am speaking with some authority on the matter when it comes to door canvessing.......I am right now 15 Sept 03 doing what i am preaching, i mean i can see it from your point of view, it must be hard to believe that someone can achive this when all you want is to earn 20K a year We in sales call that a comfort zone, it suits some but not the ambitious amongst us....alass very few and far between....a few years ago they where saying the 4 minuite mile was an impossible task but it took one to take the lead and show that it could be done, now nearly enybody can do it, or is that an exageration too?
My mate is a window cleaner also, drives an old reck of a moter and dresses like compo from last of the summer wine, he couldnt believ my canvessing success till he come with me and saw with his own eyes.......then i listened 2 him canvessing, no wonder you are all sceptical if thats what you are doing on the door........i guess its the norm to be rejected and be under the illusion that there isnt enough work out there for you to make propper money.......you can earn 20K a year working for Mccdonalds......Would you like fries with that sir?
Have a nice day fellers