Denzil,Tam,Steve,Tom Moffatt and anyone I guess whose interested.I have done `dog - earing`
of squeegee channels awhile ago now,and never really `rated` it much,but this is what I`ve come
up with this a, my workshop working with Steccone lightweight aluminium and economy alumnium
channels.They were a `dream` to cut and work with etc.because of their softness.I cut approx. 3/8ths. of
an inch `square` from the end of each channel,smoothed and filed down etc.Cut a rubber to approx. 3/16ths of an inch in from each end,then `dog -eared` the two corners etc. Working with a normal strip
washer and seperate squeegee,great,better than I thought it would be.I am though,and have to admit,I`m
a `two-in-one` `combo` merchant.In the main a `SqueegeeMate` user(sometimes `Wagtail combo`s)
My own personal favorite set-up is a Pulex swivel plastic handle,Steccone aluminium, channel and `SqueegeeMate` 12 or 14 inch sizes.When I was using a `two-in-one` set-up (which I`ve never done before with the squeegee channel `dog -eared`) can`t explain it,but the `feel` of the tool in general felt different somehow,but did`nt really alter the finished outcome.Question for Denzil,and possibly Tom Moffatt. When you were using your `dog-eared` channels last week, was your rubber `flush` with the channel end,slightly protruding or did you have the same arrangement as myself explained and outlined
above? Perhaps by the Leicester show,all of us interested parties could perhaps bring along our own
versions etc. and `swap` some ideas as to our own findings .Any takers? If there are,where do you people fancy meeting up and what time?
Lewis Doubtfire, Gleem Clean (Blade Runner)