Hi Tosh,
Thanks for your reply on my posting, I have to say I find your comments interesting.
I spent 6 years in the army as a full screw. I knew that whatever I said, the lads had to do it just as I did to my superiors. Granted the way in which you approach the task in hand will reflect in your response and delivery in return, but unfortunately or fortunately, whichever way you look at it, it had to be done regardless
In civi life as we now know it, things are very different indeed.
I have spent many hours investing in people, cultivating my crop of workers to flourish into a pot of gold to be left high and dry many times. I have had everything from 1 day wonders to people who have dropped my job at the drop of a hat. This was all when I was paying the norm, so to speak.
I paid for driving lessons, sent them on courses, basically gave them whatever they wanted within reason, but in the end it all boils down to what is in it for them. Money talks in this world we live in, I could be the nicest, most sincere boss in the world, but if jo bloggs offers them more money, chances are they will leave if not consider it.
Since I increased my wages to above and beyond the normal wage (if there is one?) I have maintained a stable work crew, a great moral amongst the troops and they are always prepared to go that extra little bit for me as they know in the end I will look after them.
I know it is not perhaps the most morally correct way to maintain your work force but that is the world we live in. I pay my guys money that they just could not get elsewhere, this in turn allows me to relax and sit back knowing tomorrow I will have all 6 turn up like clockwork, do what I ask and in turn be rewarded for their hard work.
The phrase "you pay for what you get" springs to mind.
I have to admit my managerial and leadership skills have only been nurtured from my time in the army and my life as a boss and I guess to some degree my envolvement with sport. My man management skills are truely tested when I have 1000's of people watching my game as well as 22 players, managers, sponsors, directors etc... baying for my blood.
I once read Dale Carnegie's book, "how to win friends and influence people" as well as Antony Robbins "power selling" , to be honest, most of it was common sense.
I guess we all take whatever path we choose, all I know is I got sick and tired of people letting me down, now, I dont have that anymore, totally the opposite. I have just been away for the week, the work was completed, the money balanced and my holiday was great.
Happy days