I have around 30 customers who pay me by Standing Order - NOT - Direct Debit.
There is a difference, with Standing Orders, the customer orders a set amount to be paid to you each month; you have no capability of increasing this at will.
With a Direct Debit, you have to fit a certain criteria to be able to legally set up Direct Debits, and you have the 'power' to increase the payments and deduct money from their bank accounts when you like.
Standing Orders are safe from the customers point of view (always a good point to push, when selling it to them).
I clean mostly on a calandar monthly basis and receive one payment per calandar month.
It works like this: When I set the standing order payment up, I set it so I receive payment at the begining of the month.
I then clean their property sometime during that calandar month. I always leave a 'Your window cleaner has been' chit and advise my standing order customers to mark my visit on their calandar. There should be one 'mark' per month.
There's a standing order form (compliments of Wavie Davie) in the documents to upload section; just numptyise it to suit your own requirements.
I also showed it to the girls in my bank; to get their opinion of it; and they were more than happy with it and told me it would work no problems.
Once set up, it may seem difficult to then do a price increase; it's not; I'm just about to do another form for this purpose; I'll e-mail you it when I've finished it.