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  • Posts: 1899
Re: Busy week
« Reply #40 on: December 05, 2006, 04:41:00 pm »
Holy cow.  Youve taken your TM back 15 times!!!!!!!!!  If this is the case you should demand a new TM.  Or better still get your money back and go elsewhere.  15 busy days is a potential £6000 down the drain!!!!!!!!!!

If you have a helper and your expenses are only £1500 a month then keep the helper.  £1500 is not much for what your doing.

Time will tell as from my experience your business will naturally take off in year 4.


Matt Lindus

Re: Busy week
« Reply #41 on: December 05, 2006, 05:18:08 pm »
Time will tell as from my experience your business will naturally take off in year 4.


I like a good optimist Mark. I would say 8-9 years.



  • Posts: 11382
Re: Busy week
« Reply #42 on: December 05, 2006, 06:54:33 pm »
I had a hole in my heatexchanger, it was replaced immediately.

Bits and bobs of ware and tare, but I am quite pleased with mine.

But i can always complain!


the red carpet

  • Posts: 1162
Re: Busy week
« Reply #43 on: December 05, 2006, 07:57:22 pm »
Yep it was the Woodbridge machine, and i guess all the down time has been a mixture of lack of experience, a few minor problems with the machine, failure to identify the cause of the problems, and shear bad luck.

To be fair to them they have put everything right for me straight away, but it has really put me behind the last 2 months, but i have had a good day out of her today so hopefully it will stay that way.

it seems the main cause of all my problems were 2 things

1, the chemical i was using, Alltecs, liquid - ultimate master. Seemed to block all the machine up.

2, i filled the tank up at a customers house, at the same time as the water board were working outside, and they must have let a load of $hit get into the mains >:( As i ended up with a tank full of sand - dirt - grit and clay, wich again blocked up the machine and didnt do me any favours.

All this led to the pressure jumping about, the machine overheating, no water coming through the solution hose and a load of other problems.

Wich led to a new thermostat, a new pump, new solution hoses and loads of cleaning out and descalling ect.

But it seems sorted, so fingers crossed.

cleaning co

Re: Busy week
« Reply #44 on: December 06, 2006, 03:58:06 am »
red  15 times that a joke  id tell them to poke thier machine were the sun dont shine and get me money back, and your having to do 1590 worth of cleaning a month  to pay for this and a helper !!! u must be mad , if i was u id join the long list of tm who hav gone back to portys before u go bust mate , and u said in another post today that u get better results cleaning with a porty and power brush  ::) 

Chris R

  • Posts: 813
Re: Busy week
« Reply #45 on: December 06, 2006, 07:49:39 am »
Cleaning Co,
Re - Read Reds post mate.

The faults are down to bad luck, not problems with the machine.

Some types of chems dont suit a truckmount.

Getting loads of dirt and crap into the water tank on the machine is not woodbridges fault.

That would knacker up any machine.



  • Posts: 1129
Re: Busy week
« Reply #46 on: December 06, 2006, 08:14:02 am »
Doesn't it have last step chem injection ?
I though all new TMs had that, if it has how can it block the whole system up ?.

cleaning co

Re: Busy week
« Reply #47 on: December 06, 2006, 08:30:32 am »
chris i did mate ;)


Re: Busy week
« Reply #48 on: December 06, 2006, 09:01:42 am »
i been using alltecs 'liquid ultimate master', for about 4 months, not had any probs myself.


  • Posts: 2961
Re: Busy week
« Reply #49 on: December 06, 2006, 07:00:22 pm »
Guys an easy one to solve.
Just buy a decent porty  ;D
Paul Moss  MBICSc


  • Posts: 1899
Re: Busy week
« Reply #50 on: December 06, 2006, 07:11:54 pm »
I also noticed Liquid ultimate master leaving a lot of white scale on the filters.  And yes it was diluted right.


How do you get a helper and pay all your expenses for £1500 a month.  Does he only work one day a week or is it a slave you have?


That would be a really bad step backwards.


the red carpet

  • Posts: 1162
Re: Busy week
« Reply #51 on: December 06, 2006, 09:59:41 pm »
Glynn, your right i didnt think of that one
But apparantly it did ::) it did crud up on the inside of the pipes i saw that for myself, and even blocked one section of hose so bad no water would pass through.

Mark, and someone else who mentioned my expenses.
The £1500 is not total expenses, its the added expenses iv incured thats without advertising, chems, diesle, phone line ect. And yeah my helper only works 3 days.

Went wrong again today for some reason ??? so has had another new pump, and a new jet fitted.
And to top my day off i had a blow out on the tyre of my van, only to find i had no spare wheel, jack, or wheel brace.

And iv gotta take Friday off to get the wheel bearing and lights fixed :(

I might actually make some money one day ;D


  • Posts: 444
Re: Busy week
« Reply #52 on: December 06, 2006, 10:09:07 pm »
MMM 20 litre jerry can of unleaded-(premium mind!) Just leave it decanted at a silly lean angle and casually light a pretty poor cigar and sing-oh what an atmosphere!! That would be my thoughts on your scenario mate! It sounds more hassle than good and i wouldnt/couldnt take the time off messing with it day in and out!! 8)

Kids for the ex-missus. The fireblade is my baby!!


  • Posts: 11382
Re: Busy week
« Reply #53 on: December 06, 2006, 10:42:34 pm »
Ask for some training on it, your ego may suffer but your pocket won't.



  • Posts: 114
Re: Busy week
« Reply #54 on: December 06, 2006, 10:52:16 pm »
Red Carpet,

Sorry to hear about your misfortune, it is really upsetting when you invest in your future and things don't go right. But they will and this period of time is something you will look back on and smile about (honest).

Hang in there


Phil Marlor

  • Posts: 678
Re: Busy week
« Reply #55 on: December 06, 2006, 11:38:13 pm »

I see the Woodbridge bashers are out again tonight!

Tell you what,  why dont we ignore the fact that loads of crud, sand, grit & clay got into the fresh water tank during filling up at a customers house while the water board were there.

Had my machine since March and no problems!
But most of you wont want to hear that, will you.

Stevenage, Herts


cleaning co

Re: Busy week
« Reply #56 on: December 07, 2006, 05:26:26 am »
its not about slaging them off , more of pre warning our fellow cleaners of pitfulls u can come upagainst buying a certain brand or prouduct which is good aint it ? and imo in reds case to take an 7000 pound prouduct back over 15 times in the first couple months is a joke and id say his tm wasnt fit for the purpose it was sold do they pay for his downtime ? do they pay his travel expence?  no i dont think so , i hav a freind who went through the same as red and it went on for couple years from same company  it was a nightmare for him every time i saw him he look like crying and i really felt for him, his list was endless machine on fire pumps not working heater not working batterys catching fire etc etc he spent three months plugging a socket into custys house to get hot water as this stupid little black box thing that controled the heater kept going down , i had a bad exp from a firm from cormwall once with a machine i brought and in this case they didnt even want to fix it and told me to phone up the makers in usa to get info on fixing it !!, when someting is cheap in life theres allways a reason and red imo has that reason

Phil Marlor

  • Posts: 678
Re: Busy week
« Reply #57 on: December 07, 2006, 09:03:06 am »


Keep ignoring all the crap that seems to have got in the water tank then obviously into all the other compartments.

Your like many on here are good at picking out the bits that suite you in certain posts.

Like I say, had mine since March "NO PROBLEMS" just had my best year by a long way and the TM has contributed greatly to this.

But you carry on with your head firmly buried in the Sand.

Stevenage, Herts


cleaning co

Re: Busy week
« Reply #58 on: December 07, 2006, 10:22:15 am »
do they not hav any filters then ? and red had yet another pump put in yesterday, and my mates probs had nothing to do with crap in water  ,  y u so grumpy lol     if u had brought a machine and it had lot probs   and after u brought it 3 people on here said ive had this and that probs wrong with same bit kit  u think poop wish they had spoke about the probs before i brought one yes ?  think so !!  i would recomend my machines on here because they hav bin good but someone else might had loads probs with the same machines but hey i woudnt steam into the person whos saying they are bad in thier opinon , its up to folks to make thier own mind up as to if they buy the machine and want to take in the advice good or bad