Bring back national service and beat all chavs with a stick. I'm hoping Farage becomes prime minister one day.
Did you hear about the Jamaican who raped a woman in this country? Served his time in prison but told the powers that be he's bi-sexual so he can't go back to Jamaica and has got to stay here because he'll be persecuted back home. This is what we're up against. We've gone soft.
Yep, and it’s only getting worse. Immigrants hanging around our local secondary schools. Teachers told to keep an eye out. (My sister is a teacher). The police are in contact with schools about it. As well as county line drugs gangs.
Nothing, absolutely nothing good comes from illegal, fighting age men of a very different and evil, yes evil, culture, coming over and sitting about in hotels with no skills or want to integrate.
Legal immigration with a points based system is the best, how Australia did it.
Our country has had it, we’ve let in far too many already. It’s a downward spiral.
I should add, it’s not tolerant to allow men we have no idea of, or who they are etc to wander into our nation illegally. it’s intolerant, intolerant of our own people, woman and young girls who get followed and harassed by men who treat woman like dirt in their home lands.
We’ve got enough bad eggs as it is. Without importing more.
For the record, I am an uncle to a mixed race niece. Racism has absolutely nothing to do with it. It’s culture. It’s integration. It’s not allowing illegal people to just sail across and help themselves. It’s national security. It’s protecting our daughters and woman.