In the end its a council estate or one and two bedrooms with 4 in a block. Say you had the whole estate, even at a fiver a time its actually quite a good earner. Plenty of room round the back and wide roads means parking is easy. I started off cleaning a friends and now I have a dozen on the estate. I got a few care homes from it which are good earners so worked out well for me. If I went in at a tenner I don't think I would have got my first clean so its worked out well for me. I get all the gutter clears aswell.
sorry, but I dont get this mentality........ I charge £12 for small council bungalows 5 windows and 2 doors.
I just cant see the value in being cheaper. it seems like a race to the bottom.... all that collecting as well .
I f you had gone in at a tenner you likely would have got the first one and the others .
perhaps your mind set is holding you back.
5 windows and 2 doors would literally take 5 mins, you could easily make £80 an hour at £8. If you can't see the value in £80 and hour then I'd love to know what your hourly rate currently is.
No it doesnt take literaly 5 minutes...... bungalows for the elderly means they will pay by cash or card..... therefor you need to knock and collect , have a short " how are you, isnt the weather awfull etc" I alocate 15 minutes for the job to allow for these type of things.
I am 53 , I have been doing this for 32 years , I dont want to be zooming around like an idiot...
sure I have patches where I can do a nice hourly rate , but it is no where near £80
I am a realist. not a billy big balls