I hate dogs, I've dumped loads of customers because they've got a big horrible dog lurking in the back garden. I even dumped one last week because next door has 2 big things that look absolutely savage and they have half their bodies over the back fence when I'm cleaning. The little yappy ones are almost as bad.
That said, there no excuse to neglect them like that. If you don't want it get rid of it but don't torture it.
Same, can’t stand the things. Have also juts dumped a long standing customer who’s brought home a mature Alsation and the horrid thing was the window showing its teeth, no thanks.
It's not so bad when you can see in the back garden but those houses where its like a side ginnel and you know they have a horrible dog and it's pot luck whether or not it's out lol. I see people walking them and picking up their muck and I just think why would you want a malting sh#t machine running about your house with its mucky paws. Not to mention vet bills I don't get it.
I currently pay £235 every month on meds that my dog needs, that's for the rest of his life too. Truthfully, I'd pay triple that if I had too, I'd go without things if it came down to it. Apart from immediate family, I love that dog more than anyone else.
My mate actually said to me last year, your dog and a child is hanging over a cliff and you can only pick one of them up, who you saving, I said i wouldn't even have to think about it. My dogs getting picked up 10 times out of 10. Unless it's between the dog and my immediate family, thrn the dogs getting picked everyday.
They don't get mucky either, if there dirty after a walk you clean them before they go in the house, I have a mud daddy, it's a thing to clean the dog easier if there dirty before they go into the house after a walk, if he's a bit wet I have a drying towel to put on him etc.