I used to be the same when I was young. No life experience and thought I was correct all the time. Then I began to realise what I gave out would come back around to me later on. Now I don't fight back and just move on and ignore people who try and verbally attack me. I used the put downs as ammunition to build my business up.
On the other forum they barred me because of a bully and I was the only person that would stand up to him. He even blocked me because my luck was getting stronger and his was diving way down. In the end they asked me to come back because the forum was dying but I had move on.
The best way is to rise above it, don't bite and your business will flourish or the opposite will happen. Been there , have the T shirt. The more folk one helps then the more good customers seem to appear because its called the law of reciprocation. I dare Everyone on here to try it till Christmas and you will be surprised by the outcome. You may laugh like I did but I couldn't dispute the results !!! 😉