Insurance companies are happy to sell you insurance but wait till you try and claim. If you have not declared a strap down tank then your policy is null and void. Then there will be repercussions because you were driving without legal insurance. Its not worth trying to save a few bob by being naïve, better to get all the details out and know you will be fully insured.
Ok then, provide the evidence for this. Prove your statement. I GUARANTEE YOU NOW THAT YOU CAN'T!
Geeze, can't believe how utterly thick some grown adults really are!😆
Please, please, someone provide the evidence to clarify this utter nonsense.... Or just shut up and stop talking utter rubbish for the sake of talking..... Utter rubbish!🥱🥱
So as you are far more intelligent than the rest of us enlighten us with your insurance provider so we can get a quote , but you won’t will you as you know we are right
Dude, I don't need to. I know exactly what my contract with my provider is. I know exactly their entire criteria which must be met in order to benefit from the cover. I know that I am fully insured with commercial use as a window cleaner- it's all on my policy documents. I know for absolute sure that my vehicle isn't classed as modified- because it's not. So, I know what I'm saying is true and factual.
You, on the other hand refute all that. The other moron claims to know that I'm not even covered!😆
So, in my eyes, it's completely up to you to prove what you are claiming as factual for the entire UK commercial vehicle insurance industry! So instead of talking complete boll@x, either grow up or show the good people of this forum some evidence on which your claims are based! It's as simple as that dude, and you, nor anyone else here can do just that! Stop spreading baseless, false information and claiming regurgitated hearsay as fact.