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  • Posts: 2356
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2024, 10:52:23 am »
I've had this happen a few times to me but now realise something has happened in their life and they take it out on us or gardeners or anyone they think they can get away with. My priest had a go at me for dodging his phone calls a few weeks ago. No point in getting upset or reacting just let them rant and ignore them. Don't even bother about the money unless you need it. My priest had to come back to me last week to show me where a leak was in the church and he had a problem looking at me but we knew the trust had gone. He will now have to ask me to fix it but my answer will be this:- The roof needs torch on felt and I'm not insured to do this so you will need to get a company to fix it. He will then realise the friendship is over. There is great power in saying nothing bar sorry when folk have a go at us, if everyone can remember this then it will make your life so much better.

There endeth the first lesson.

(stick to cleaning windows)

Aren't Christians supposed to forgive one another - especially in small matters?  ;D

I did work for an Indian before and him and his wife nearly turned me into a slave. Not sure if its in their culture but I felt way beneath them. They ended up going bust. My priest is the same culture so maybe its in their dna. Anyhow, saving me time and money. I did a window cleaning job 6 months ago and the business man and me instantly got on. Turns out he owns care homes and little by little I'm getting first offer of any jobs. Fire service has stipulated changes and I offer advice to managers which saves them plenty of stress. Its hard to turn down the cream when ones life has been full of milk.

We look at them, they look through them.


  • Posts: 2356
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2024, 01:28:55 pm »
I had a bit of karma the other week in jest.

I have  a snobby customer who always boasting and likes to show off a bit.  He was cleaning his car and looked at my van, and said I bet you wish you had a nice BMW like mine.   I said yes, I do have one, it's a slightly newer than yours and it's mines the M Sport model and carried on working.  🤣

That's a sackable offence 😂
We look at them, they look through them.

robert mitchell

  • Posts: 1992
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2024, 03:00:41 pm »
I've had this happen a few times to me but now realise something has happened in their life and they take it out on us or gardeners or anyone they think they can get away with. My priest had a go at me for dodging his phone calls a few weeks ago. No point in getting upset or reacting just let them rant and ignore them. Don't even bother about the money unless you need it. My priest had to come back to me last week to show me where a leak was in the church and he had a problem looking at me but we knew the trust had gone. He will now have to ask me to fix it but my answer will be this:- The roof needs torch on felt and I'm not insured to do this so you will need to get a company to fix it. He will then realise the friendship is over. There is great power in saying nothing bar sorry when folk have a go at us, if everyone can remember this then it will make your life so much better.

There endeth the first lesson.

(stick to cleaning windows)

Aren't Christians supposed to forgive one another - especially in small matters?  ;D

I did work for an Indian before and him and his wife nearly turned me into a slave. Not sure if its in their culture but I felt way beneath them. They ended up going bust. My priest is the same culture so maybe its in their dna. Anyhow, saving me time and money. I did a window cleaning job 6 months ago and the business man and me instantly got on. Turns out he owns care homes and little by little I'm getting first offer of any jobs. Fire service has stipulated changes and I offer advice to managers which saves them plenty of stress. Its hard to turn down the cream when ones life has been full of milk.

Do you mention the fire service so often just as a look at me ?  What relevance does it have to this post about a rude customer ?

What changes have the fire service stipulated that the managers have needed your advice so badly??

The man who never made a mistake never made anything.

The Jester of Wibbly

  • Posts: 2124
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2024, 06:17:19 pm »
My serious response would have been ...

Please accept my apologies.  Is it not water resistant then?   I would advice moving your furniture before my visits if you don't want it getting wet. 
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Don Kee

  • Posts: 4872
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2024, 07:18:48 am »

I did work for an Indian before and him and his wife nearly turned me into a slave. Not sure if its in their culture but I felt way beneath them. They ended up going bust. My priest is the same culture so maybe its in their dna. Anyhow, saving me time and money. I did a window cleaning job 6 months ago and the business man and me instantly got on. Turns out he owns care homes and little by little I'm getting first offer of any jobs. Fire service has stipulated changes and I offer advice to managers which saves them plenty of stress. Its hard to turn down the cream when ones life has been full of milk.

Indian culture is to treat people like slaves, it’s in their DNA?

Ever thought about just not saying anything?
Why don't you have a quick google before making stupid comments?


  • Posts: 748
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2024, 07:47:02 am »
Thanks guys as usual. I don’t find it’s a wasted energy or time posting on here as I’ve had some cracking advice over the years on here-so appreciate that :)

A mixed bag of opinions as usual and some will let it go and some would take  revenge etc,I think I’m going to let it go. I haven’t got the mental energy .

Ironically though she recommended me to her neighbour last time and I now clean her neighbours 8 weekly. So no idea whether she will bad mouth me and try to get me to lose that job too! I’m half expecting a message at some point.

Would you message that customer the night before to test the water (just make out can you please leave gate open-even though it’s open anyway) or would you just turn up and clean as normal?

Like I said though it wouldn’t surprise me if I get another cancellation. If this does happen I may eat my words with “letting it go” and send a few emails making out I’m going down the legal route… but again it’s the energy that involves!!


  • Posts: 25118
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2024, 08:22:09 am »
Thanks guys as usual. I don’t find it’s a wasted energy or time posting on here as I’ve had some cracking advice over the years on here-so appreciate that :)

A mixed bag of opinions as usual and some will let it go and some would take  revenge etc,I think I’m going to let it go. I haven’t got the mental energy .

Ironically though she recommended me to her neighbour last time and I now clean her neighbours 8 weekly. So no idea whether she will bad mouth me and try to get me to lose that job too! I’m half expecting a message at some point.

Would you message that customer the night before to test the water (just make out can you please leave gate open-even though it’s open anyway) or would you just turn up and clean as normal?

Like I said though it wouldn’t surprise me if I get another cancellation. If this does happen I may eat my words with “letting it go” and send a few emails making out I’m going down the legal route… but again it’s the energy that involves!!

In 28 years of window cleaning the ONLY cancellations I have ever had due to another customer moaning about me is a close relative to each other.

And even then it has been when I have done the dumping.

Just turn up.
It's a game of three halves!

Scottish Cleaning Service

  • Posts: 273
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2024, 11:12:28 am »
In the end we don't need to work for anyone because it's up to us who we work for. Once established we can pick and choose so I wouldn't go back nor chase them for the money. You will pick up other customers and don't need the hassle. When I began 6 years ago I took anyone but that has all changed now the work comes to me through word of mouth.

Perfect Windows

  • Posts: 4178
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2024, 04:55:34 pm »
FWIW, my advice is simple. Move on. Write off the debt and frame it in your mind that it cost you about twenty minutes' work to find out a customer's true character.

Spend your time cleaning windows and forget her.



  • Posts: 2561
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #29 on: September 02, 2024, 05:00:44 pm »
I would say leave her a bill for the work in a couple of weeks time as she may have a change of heart but don't expect miracles. It's not worth the negative impact she will have on your health letting her get the better of you, better off without her type with petty attitude, life is too short to be dragged down by people like her.

I cleaned a place where the new owner had bought three properties all in a row, each worth a few million each and the way he talked to his staff, the electrician, plumber, gardener, etc was absolutely shocking, worse than a sargeant major in the army disciplining someone for bad behaviour, I thought to myself I won't be coming back to clean this place or the other two houses for two hundred quid a piece, shove it up your *****, no thanks, don't need customers like that with  that kind of attitude.