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  • Posts: 748
Non payer-Rude customer
« on: August 30, 2024, 12:11:00 pm »
Hi guys. I posted on here a while ago with a previous non payer who eventually paid.

Yesterday I was cleaning a town house that I’ve done for over 5 years. I even clean all her door/marble surrounds as a freebie each time. I charge £23.50 on a 8 weekly cycle.

She has commented before I was quick when I cleaned them but never any issues with windows.

After I finished yesterday she came storming up to my van having a go at me saying some pure water had splashed back and landed on her cushion of one of her patio chairs. Said I had “no common sense” etc. Genuinely I had no idea and to my eye the furniture was set back enough. So I explained (after apologising) that I felt she was “character assassinating me” and in all fairness I shouldn’t have to be expected to move furniture to have access to clean the windows”

Anyway she went off. I of course expected the cancellation which indeed happened a few hours later via email. I then sent an email saying I found her quite rude etc etc and please don’t cancel the GoCardless mandate until payment has gone through.

Today the mandate and payment has been cancelled. I perhaps (knee jerked) in frustration and said “I can see you have cancelled the payment can I please ask you pay the outstanding amount to account ****** or I will be taking legal action.

Now upon reflection I have knee jerked BUT anyone on here understand why I sent this? Shall I just let the payment go?

Ps her hubby is a top doctor too and I get the feeling she has that sense of entitlement by just denying me payment.

Any comments guys?


  • Posts: 20529
Re: Non payer-Rude customer New
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2024, 12:13:02 pm »
Well within your rights to ask for payment.

Kudos to you for not telling her to f*** off.
A fully paid up  memeber of the blue pill community

colin bird

  • Posts: 1177
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2024, 04:22:45 pm »
Hi guys. I posted on here a while ago with a previous non payer who eventually paid.

Yesterday I was cleaning a town house that I’ve done for over 5 years. I even clean all her door/marble surrounds as a freebie each time. I charge £23.50 on a 8 weekly cycle.

She has commented before I was quick when I cleaned them but never any issues with windows.

After I finished yesterday she came storming up to my van having a go at me saying some pure water had splashed back and landed on her cushion of one of her patio chairs. Said I had “no common sense” etc. Genuinely I had no idea and to my eye the furniture was set back enough. So I explained (after apologising) that I felt she was “character assassinating me” and in all fairness I shouldn’t have to be expected to move furniture to have access to clean the windows”

Anyway she went off. I of course expected the cancellation which indeed happened a few hours later via email. I then sent an email saying I found her quite rude etc etc and please don’t cancel the GoCardless mandate until payment has gone through.

Today the mandate and payment has been cancelled. I perhaps (knee jerked) in frustration and said “I can see you have cancelled the payment can I please ask you pay the outstanding amount to account ****** or I will be taking legal action.

Now upon reflection I have knee jerked BUT anyone on here understand why I sent this? Shall I just let the payment go?

Ps her hubby is a top doctor too and I get the feeling she has that sense of entitlement by just denying me payment.

Any comments guys?
how old is she ? i bet shes in her late forties or early fifties ! if she is most woman turn into witches and nutcases  at that age due to the menapouse ! i know from experience as i have one at home ! used to be normal now at times a witch and a nutcase (apologies if any ladies read this but its the truth} and its just my opinion. (and i still love my wife)
what i would do write the payment off and delete her,life and work is hard enough without having unreasonable customers.


  • Posts: 748
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2024, 05:36:42 pm »
Prob late 40’s Chinese lady. Hubby is a top Cancer specialist apparently. Never had any problems for 5 years. It’s a bit of pure water that has backsplashed on her OUTDOOR furniture which rain would have done the same. Unbelievable as she prob sees me as a lower class Window Cleaner and can just choose to not pay me. If I was 15 years younger I would have got my backpack and sprayed her windows with tap water but I can’t be dealing with it now.


  • Posts: 2561
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2024, 06:00:57 pm »
Stick to your guns and demand payment just to pee her off, no one likes a bad credit rating  ;D

SB Cleaning

  • Posts: 4271
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2024, 06:02:43 pm »
Get your money if not Halloween is around the corner so you can egg the windows.

jay moley

  • Posts: 471
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2024, 06:09:09 pm »
Let it go mate. You are always going to get some people that wont pay. Just never go back and block her on your phone. You'll pick up another job to replace her I the next couple of weeks.


  • Posts: 473
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2024, 07:49:31 pm »
Why let her get away with not paying , write to her stating she has 30 days to settle otherwise interest at X amount per day will be added . Failing payment then add court proceedings will be taken to recover said debt


  • Posts: 748
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2024, 07:56:55 pm »
Why let her get away with not paying , write to her stating she has 30 days to settle otherwise interest at X amount per day will be added . Failing payment then add court proceedings will be taken to recover said debt

Is 30 days the amount of time I need to give her then? I’ve never taking it down the legal route but I am tempted (in the name of a handful of other feckers who have not paid me in the past) to pursue this.

Can anyone suggest an email and timeframe I can send to her? Bear in mind I’ve already knee jerked and gone in guns blazing saying “I will take legal action”….. when In reality what can I really do?  My hunch is I will get absolutely nowhere. She could claim damages to her chair cushion.

I would however be interested if anyone on here can give me a template to at least scare her into thinking “s**** maybe I should pay.

jay moley

  • Posts: 471
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2024, 08:57:39 pm »
Why let her get away with not paying , write to her stating she has 30 days to settle otherwise interest at X amount per day will be added . Failing payment then add court proceedings will be taken to recover said debt

Is 30 days the amount of time I need to give her then? I’ve never taking it down the legal route but I am tempted (in the name of a handful of other feckers who have not paid me in the past) to pursue this.

Can anyone suggest an email and timeframe I can send to her? Bear in mind I’ve already knee jerked and gone in guns blazing saying “I will take legal action”….. when In reality what can I really do?  My hunch is I will get absolutely nowhere. She could claim damages to her chair cushion.

I would however be interested if anyone on here can give me a template to at least scare her into thinking “s**** maybe I should pay.

It costs £35 in the small claims court to pursue anything up to £300 (google it). Plus you'll have to prepare for it, get any evidence, take time off work.

Not worth it for £23.50.

I'd let it go. She may pay anyway.

Scottish Cleaning Service

  • Posts: 273
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2024, 08:58:56 pm »
I've had this happen a few times to me but now realise something has happened in their life and they take it out on us or gardeners or anyone they think they can get away with. My priest had a go at me for dodging his phone calls a few weeks ago. No point in getting upset or reacting just let them rant and ignore them. Don't even bother about the money unless you need it. My priest had to come back to me last week to show me where a leak was in the church and he had a problem looking at me but we knew the trust had gone. He will now have to ask me to fix it but my answer will be this:- The roof needs torch on felt and I'm not insured to do this so you will need to get a company to fix it. He will then realise the friendship is over. There is great power in saying nothing bar sorry when folk have a go at us, if everyone can remember this then it will make your life so much better.

The Jester of Wibbly

  • Posts: 2124
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2024, 09:04:38 pm »
There are plenty of templates out there.
.just search for a 'Letter Before Action' template.
Claim your 50% off your mobile payment card reader with Sum Up.

Don Kee

  • Posts: 4872
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2024, 09:13:41 pm »
I've had this happen a few times to me but now realise something has happened in their life and they take it out on us or gardeners or anyone they think they can get away with. My priest had a go at me for dodging his phone calls a few weeks ago. No point in getting upset or reacting just let them rant and ignore them. Don't even bother about the money unless you need it. My priest had to come back to me last week to show me where a leak was in the church and he had a problem looking at me but we knew the trust had gone. He will now have to ask me to fix it but my answer will be this:- The roof needs torch on felt and I'm not insured to do this so you will need to get a company to fix it. He will then realise the friendship is over. There is great power in saying nothing bar sorry when folk have a go at us, if everyone can remember this then it will make your life so much better.

Why don't you have a quick google before making stupid comments?


  • Posts: 8427
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2024, 09:26:07 pm »
Hi guys. I posted on here a while ago with a previous non payer who eventually paid.

Yesterday I was cleaning a town house that I’ve done for over 5 years. I even clean all her door/marble surrounds as a freebie each time. I charge £23.50 on a 8 weekly cycle.

She has commented before I was quick when I cleaned them but never any issues with windows.

After I finished yesterday she came storming up to my van having a go at me saying some pure water had splashed back and landed on her cushion of one of her patio chairs. Said I had “no common sense” etc. Genuinely I had no idea and to my eye the furniture was set back enough. So I explained (after apologising) that I felt she was “character assassinating me” and in all fairness I shouldn’t have to be expected to move furniture to have access to clean the windows”

Anyway she went off. I of course expected the cancellation which indeed happened a few hours later via email. I then sent an email saying I found her quite rude etc etc and please don’t cancel the GoCardless mandate until payment has gone through.

Today the mandate and payment has been cancelled. I perhaps (knee jerked) in frustration and said “I can see you have cancelled the payment can I please ask you pay the outstanding amount to account ****** or I will be taking legal action.

Now upon reflection I have knee jerked BUT anyone on here understand why I sent this? Shall I just let the payment go?

Ps her hubby is a top doctor too and I get the feeling she has that sense of entitlement by just denying me payment.

Any comments guys?

My comments, so please don't take offence.

In my opinion, she's entitled to think what she likes with regard to her status in life. Whether she is right or not is for others to decide.
In my books, we always try to defuse a situation that may arise before it gets out of hand.

A humble apology for wetting her cushions would help, without adding any justification about why you think she is being unreasonable. I might have suggested I take them away and get them dried for her if that would help. (If she says no, then you have offered to do your best to rectify the issue.) Your main objective in any situation is to suck it up until you get paid. Then decide whether you will continue to clean her windows or not.

We have a customer who has come from a poor counsel house upbringing and married a successful businessman. She also acts above her status. She believes she is superior to everyone else, but she shows by her dealings that she hasn't a clue how to manage much.

For example, she knows when we are cleaning that day as it's always prearranged, but she will organize the gardener to pressure wash the drive and paths. He will have started before we arrive to clean the windows. Or he is instructed to sand and paint the decking on the one side of the house the day we have arranged to clean windows. This gives her the feeling that she's in control.

As long as they pay us, I don't care. Yes, it pays well, but they also know I don't need the job. It was her husband who employed us, and he insists the windows are cleaned every 4 weeks along with his business premises. If she creates any drama, I can just message him cancelling the clean for another month "because the gardener is sanding and painting the deck and I don't want to cause any damage to the new paint." I never blame the wife, but it's usually her fault and she will be more subdued a few cleans after.

On the next clean, she knows that I know she has been chewed out, so the dynamics between us can be interesting. I get a bit of a kick out of it.
She doesn't like me, but I'm always respectful when talking to her. Often a battle is won by not confronting the enemy directly.

Success is 1% inspiration, 98% perspiration and 2% attention to detail!

The older I get, the better I was ;)

james peters

  • Posts: 947
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2024, 07:18:49 am »
let it go.
think about the energy you have wasted fretting , and even the time taken posting it on here...
take the situation, and think how you can turn it into a positive.
firstly .  you have weeded out what is a problem customer
so now you can put  you energy into gaining a new better customer.
move on. work on your business , smile and be thankful she has identified herself as a snobby witch


  • Posts: 1006
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2024, 07:36:03 am »
I've had this happen a few times to me but now realise something has happened in their life and they take it out on us or gardeners or anyone they think they can get away with. My priest had a go at me for dodging his phone calls a few weeks ago. No point in getting upset or reacting just let them rant and ignore them. Don't even bother about the money unless you need it. My priest had to come back to me last week to show me where a leak was in the church and he had a problem looking at me but we knew the trust had gone. He will now have to ask me to fix it but my answer will be this:- The roof needs torch on felt and I'm not insured to do this so you will need to get a company to fix it. He will then realise the friendship is over. There is great power in saying nothing bar sorry when folk have a go at us, if everyone can remember this then it will make your life so much better.

There endeth the first lesson.

(stick to cleaning windows)


  • Posts: 25118
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2024, 07:43:27 am »
I've had this happen a few times to me but now realise something has happened in their life and they take it out on us or gardeners or anyone they think they can get away with. My priest had a go at me for dodging his phone calls a few weeks ago. No point in getting upset or reacting just let them rant and ignore them. Don't even bother about the money unless you need it. My priest had to come back to me last week to show me where a leak was in the church and he had a problem looking at me but we knew the trust had gone. He will now have to ask me to fix it but my answer will be this:- The roof needs torch on felt and I'm not insured to do this so you will need to get a company to fix it. He will then realise the friendship is over. There is great power in saying nothing bar sorry when folk have a go at us, if everyone can remember this then it will make your life so much better.

There endeth the first lesson.

(stick to cleaning windows)

Aren't Christians supposed to forgive one another - especially in small matters?  ;D
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 600
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2024, 09:07:57 am »
Got to admire the stuck up snotty folk we meet they think their status is higher than yours Status in life love it  what absolute tosh !!
Over the years  if only they new I had a dinner with prince charles met Angelina jolie chatted with Tom cruise  coffee with rowan Atkinson met bob marley  long story each one is a  personal memory  but then I am only the scum window cleaner
 it’s not ment to be a name drop but like all of us we have been in 130 million pound houses and cleaned on council estates for little old ladies and Arab princes alike and been treated with respect by both ends of the scale funny how the middle class hate mail reader thinks they are better than us !!


  • Posts: 6158
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2024, 09:09:05 am »
I've let loads of payments go, lost into the thousands over the years with non payers.
I've also sent out many debt letters and  and recovered a few hundred quid by doing so. I've only filed small claims twice and got paid that way however really it wasn't worth it for a few quid.

In this Instance though I couldn't let it go, she's spoke to you like crap so she must be punished. If you can't or don't want to chase your money legally at least enact some revenge. Maybe find out where she shops regular and accidentally open your old van door into her new merc or something. Revenge at all costs.

Scottish Cleaning Service

  • Posts: 273
Re: Non payer-Rude customer
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2024, 09:09:17 am »
I've had this happen a few times to me but now realise something has happened in their life and they take it out on us or gardeners or anyone they think they can get away with. My priest had a go at me for dodging his phone calls a few weeks ago. No point in getting upset or reacting just let them rant and ignore them. Don't even bother about the money unless you need it. My priest had to come back to me last week to show me where a leak was in the church and he had a problem looking at me but we knew the trust had gone. He will now have to ask me to fix it but my answer will be this:- The roof needs torch on felt and I'm not insured to do this so you will need to get a company to fix it. He will then realise the friendship is over. There is great power in saying nothing bar sorry when folk have a go at us, if everyone can remember this then it will make your life so much better.

There endeth the first lesson.

(stick to cleaning windows)

Aren't Christians supposed to forgive one another - especially in small matters?  ;D

I did work for an Indian before and him and his wife nearly turned me into a slave. Not sure if its in their culture but I felt way beneath them. They ended up going bust. My priest is the same culture so maybe its in their dna. Anyhow, saving me time and money. I did a window cleaning job 6 months ago and the business man and me instantly got on. Turns out he owns care homes and little by little I'm getting first offer of any jobs. Fire service has stipulated changes and I offer advice to managers which saves them plenty of stress. Its hard to turn down the cream when ones life has been full of milk.