Weather has been the dullest from October to May in Devon, since then it's been ideal for window cleaning. February in the past use to be the coldest and driest but for the last 4-5 years it's gradually becoming warmer and wetter. This February was the warmest and wettest almost every day.
Thank goodness I get my pension next year, it's getting more difficult each year to maintain a regular window cleaning routine all year round. It's forecast to getter warmer and wetter in this country thanks to climate change.
Weather affects the mood of our customers as well as ourselves and they tolerate us working in light rain but not heavy rain blowing sideways. As we get older our new customers become younger and their attitude to clean windows is not as high a priority as it use to be in my opinion. From experience I find the biggest loss of customers has been from cleaning windows through persistent spells of rain.
I use to enjoy this job regardless of weather all year round but I can honestly say the joy has gone now and it's more a case of working more efficiently earning more in less time and focusing on other things away from work, the joy is slowing diminishing and I put it down to longing to retire after 26 years too long in this job.