Monday I was cleaning the buildings I do on a large estate. 2 days work every 8 weeks
One of the jobs is cleaning about 15 velux windows on the roof of a one storey building, so about 8’ from ground level.
I had cleaned all the windows except the final one which was covered in pigeon poo and required lots more time and effort to get it clean. If this hadn’t have been the case I would’ve finished the windows, climbed down and be safe as house.
But as it happened the prolonged period of time up there meant eventually I stepped in a small patch of wet roof and it was at this point that I fell.
I lost control as soon as my foot slipped and I fell down the roof and off it, landing on the ground on my head/back/spine and ribs.
I was lucky to survive. Really lucky. I was knocked out and came to with various members of the estates staff gathered round me trying to help in any way possible.
I was whisked to hospital, in and out of consciousness, heaving, and not in a good shape at all.
In time they x-rayed me.
I have 4 broken ribs, my right shoulder is broken is two places and I have a bleed on my brain.
I was expecting to retire in about 3 weeks. This has without doubt brought that forward and to be honest I would’ve said this would never have happened to me as I’m safe as houses at work.
It was one slippery roof tile under one wet boot.
Still in hospital currently.
I’m expected to make a full recovery and some of that will be in Canada but the truth is I could easily have died landing the way I had.