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Obviously you won’t want to be spending out on subscriptions anymore but can CP be saved or accessed once the time comes? If it’s saved as a file or on a stick can all your past records be looked up? Anyone know?
Well, the tax man could ask to see records I guess or my accountant or even me. So once you stop your subscription does cp shut your account down and any records disappear?I imagine they do.
I do anyway each year for my accountant. Normally all expenses and receipts but not individual customers or payments, just end of year figures. Turnover and expenses basically. I’ve kept paper files, stored for years.
Handy for invoicing though and end of year reports. Bit expensive for the man on his own.It also came in handy when I sold my round a few weeks back. The buyer used CP too and we transferred all my customers into his planner.
Yep, sold up.Simply put a post up on a fairly local Facebook page. Also advertised on here but no takers.Plenty of locals wanted parts of the round then one guy took the lot. He was an established business. Printed around 350 letters and delivered them to every customer. New guy transferred the lot to his CP and I walked away the same day.I had a date in mind that I intended to retire but advertised in plenty of time just in case it didn’t sell and sold three months early.I was also prepared to simply walk away if it didn’t sell at all by the date I had in mind.I had no intention of ever working past retirement age whatever happened.Still come on here just for the amusement of Porche driving windowcleaners and bodybuilding old men 🤣