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jay moley

  • Posts: 471
Would you get rid?
« on: December 17, 2023, 12:29:19 am »
Ive got this customer that Ive never liked. Just a woman that gives off that vibe that she always gets what she wants. Someone that would do you over if she had to without thinking about it.

She's generally pleasant but when I once asked her to move the car she said no because id done the job before with it there, which was true to be fair. It was her attitude I didn't like. Where I work I often have to work around a car (sometimes 2!) on the drive, id just got fed up and asked that day for it to be moved.

Anyway, I was cleaning her house on Thursday. Parking is difficult but there was no car on the drive so I parked there. Even if I hadn't parked on the drive I would have had to block it if I parked on the road. 

Of course mid clean she comes home in her car. She asks whether I need the side gate open so I can do the back. I said yes. She said: I need to get on the drive then (makes no sense). I said cant you park somewhere else. She protested so I said alright ill move and then she said dont worry just do the front and drove off. She wasn't happy.

I'd love to just drop her as I've never liked her but I'm not overflowing with work so just think maybe I should forget it and keep taking her money. Ive been going there for years and she always pays on time.

Im sure others have had the "move the van" situation. Only other time I had it I just packed up and drove off never to return.


  • Posts: 13417
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2023, 02:26:52 am »
I think you take stuff to personally,

I don't give a rats ar$£ if I like them or not - its about being paid (and of course us doing a good job) - in life we get on with some and not others.

As long as they are not rude or swear then a request to move (although a PITA) is fair its their property after all - if the road is difficult then they are sensitive to parking themselves - yes ideally they could have waited until your finished , but thats people for you
Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience

jay moley

  • Posts: 471
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2023, 02:30:44 am »
I think you take stuff to personally,

I don't give a rats ar$£ if I like them or not - its about being paid (and of course us doing a good job) - in life we get on with some and not others.

As long as they are not rude or swear then a request to move (although a PITA) is fair its their property after all - if the road is difficult then they are sensitive to parking themselves - yes ideally they could have waited until your finished , but thats people for you

Maybe I do, hence why I asked the question.


  • Posts: 2561
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2023, 08:18:26 am »
It's much simpler in life to try being reasonable and courteous to customers, it's a two way thing.

Homeowners can get snappy being given demands at their own property, best being courteous and requesting by explaining if need be, helps at times.

We all have the odd job or customer who is challenging, that's life, best keeping quiet and remaining polite and courteous, treat others how you would like to be treated even if they can't meet your standards.


  • Posts: 23852
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2023, 12:53:03 pm »
I'd dump purely because of the parking issue and locked side rather earn less money than put up with the stress..

I've got rid of the 5% of customers that caused me 100% of the hassle
price higher/work harder!

jay moley

  • Posts: 471
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2023, 12:55:16 pm »
It's much simpler in life to try being reasonable and courteous to customers, it's a two way thing.

Homeowners can get snappy being given demands at their own property, best being courteous and requesting by explaining if need be, helps at times.

We all have the odd job or customer who is challenging, that's life, best keeping quiet and remaining polite and courteous, treat others how you would like to be treated even if they can't meet your standards.

I've always kept it professional with customers. Loads of times ive swallowed stuff when I would have been within my rights to point out why I was right or that they were being unreasonable. Just hard to always take it.

She could have parked a few cars down albeit on a yellow line, but its a quiet road and there are no traffic wardens. I did offer to move after she wasn't happy with me asking her to park elsewhere. Its just because I'd started the job that I thought she was being unreasonable.

jay moley

  • Posts: 471
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2023, 12:56:31 pm »
I'd dump purely because of the parking issue and locked side rather earn less money than put up with the stress..

I've got rid of the 5% of customers that cause me 100% of the hassle

I would if I didn't need the work. Who knows when I next text her the night before for the gate she might dump me!


  • Posts: 23852
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2023, 12:57:37 pm »
I'd dump purely because of the parking issue and locked side rather earn less money than put up with the stress..

I've got rid of the 5% of customers that cause me 100% of the hassle

I would if I didn't need the work. Who knows when I next text her the night before for the gate she might dump me!

You don't need the dropped job won't make a difference
price higher/work harder!

jay moley

  • Posts: 471
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2023, 01:01:26 pm »
I'd dump purely because of the parking issue and locked side rather earn less money than put up with the stress..

I've got rid of the 5% of customers that cause me 100% of the hassle

I would if I didn't need the work. Who knows when I next text her the night before for the gate she might dump me!

You don't need the dropped job won't make a difference

You are right mate. She's just the type to give me a bad review on google which I'd like to avoid.

Amount of lies ive come up with this year to drop PITA jobs. I dont feel comfortable just not going back so I send a text with some nonsense. Ive got rid of 30-40 rubbish jobs which has been great.

I have to get out canvassing again next year as a top up. Would really like to get rid of my ladder jobs.


  • Posts: 25081
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2023, 04:11:58 pm »

Your Paragraph One has all the reasons.
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 6153
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2023, 04:39:42 pm »
Yep dumped one like this just month or so ago.

No where to park but on the drive, alway managed ok. Then few months ago i pulled up and they asked me to move to be let out, so i did. This happened a couple of times bit annoying but whatever.

Then last time i pulled up behind the car on the drive as usual. They had 2 new gates built, i had to pull the hose round the car then through a side gate, at which point owner poked his head out the door, closed it and went back inside. Then i pulled the hose through the next gate. At this point im already thinking they`ve made this job a pita now. Next thing chap come out can you let me out. Cant wait needs to go now. Fuming now, dragged all hose back through both gates round car into van.

you can guess i buggered off never to return. Never liked it anyway but them gates finished me off.


  • Posts: 2351
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2023, 05:49:05 pm »
I think you take stuff to personally,

I don't give a rats ar$£ if I like them or not - its about being paid (and of course us doing a good job) - in life we get on with some and not others.

As long as they are not rude or swear then a request to move (although a PITA) is fair its their property after all - if the road is difficult then they are sensitive to parking themselves - yes ideally they could have waited until your finished , but thats people for you

Agree totally. But she could have been on the blob though, so give her some slack.
We look at them, they look through them.


  • Posts: 2351
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2023, 05:52:57 pm »
I'd dump purely because of the parking issue and locked side rather earn less money than put up with the stress..

I've got rid of the 5% of customers that cause me 100% of the hassle

Re read his first post:

I'd love to just drop her as I've never liked her but I'm not overflowing with work so just think maybe I should forget it and keep taking her money. Ive been going there for years and she always pays on time.

I would if I didn't need the work. Who knows when I next text her the night before for the gate she might dump me!

You don't need the dropped job won't make a difference
We look at them, they look through them.


  • Posts: 2177
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2023, 06:16:25 pm »
I'm afraid I would just dump her.

The adage goes that 1% of your customers will give you 99% of your grief.
Over the last 35 years, I've found that to be true.

Work has picked up enormously, post lockdown and I've been a lot more choosy with no advertising and word of mouth only.
I even had someone message me and ask if I needed HIM to provide me with references :)

I now only work for people who are reasonable and I get on with.
As a result, I now have far less stress and aggro and a lot more energy to focus on the decent folk.

M & C Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 1581
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2023, 08:21:56 pm »
Situations like these is when I love my trolley.
I walked into a small street of terraced houses where I have two customers last week and started cleaning  the first house.  A mate with his own business, pulled up in his van and started cleaning the house next door and within moments another wfp van pulled up and blocked my mates van in. One guy ran a hose out to clean a house opposite, and a second operator ran a another hose out to clean a house further up the street. Fortunately my mate and I are pretty easy going but the potential was there for some frayed tempers. It was a ridiculous situation, especially when there were other spaces the second van could have parked in. There were hoses going all over the shop. At one point a neighbour came along in his car and had a few words. I just walked over the top of the whole lot with my trusty trolley and went on my way.


  • Posts: 14457
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2023, 11:10:49 pm »
I'd love to just drop her as I've never liked her but I'm not overflowing with work
Ive been going there for years

Its amazing that you've not filled out your diary after 'years' ?
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james peters

  • Posts: 946
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2023, 08:11:31 am »
I'd love to just drop her as I've never liked her but I'm not overflowing with work
Ive been going there for years

Its amazing that you've not filled out your diary after 'years' ?

Thats not always the case though is it.....
Its about building a custom made round .... one that will be a pleasure to work day in day out..... no messers , no bad payers....
to do this you need to build and refine , and keep repeating this over and over...
I am still doing this after 31 years

On forums and the fb pages , its the same things being discussed over and over
" how would you handle this customer"
" how do you get people to pay on time "
for me I can afford to just remove and replace .... but for someone starting out it is so frustrating because the need that money.
but the truth is that they just need to move on instead of trying to keep dead wood.


  • Posts: 868
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2023, 09:19:31 am »
Nearly all the agro I get in this job surrounds parking, but nearly always from customers neighbours not the custy themselves. I get asked to move by custy if they need to get out which is fair enough but never just because your in their space. Thing is Jay, you stood your ground and won so to speak, you didn't move, she probs won't ask you again as she knows the score if she does. I'd carry on, if the status quo changes on that then dump, if not carry on taking her cash.


  • Posts: 25081
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2023, 08:33:37 pm »
Nearly all the agro I get in this job surrounds parking, but nearly always from customers neighbours not the custy themselves. I get asked to move by custy if they need to get out which is fair enough but never just because your in their space. Thing is Jay, you stood your ground and won so to speak, you didn't move, she probs won't ask you again as she knows the score if she does. I'd carry on, if the status quo changes on that then dump, if not carry on taking her cash.

You must be reading a different post to me.
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 868
Re: Would you get rid?
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2023, 11:05:32 pm »
Nearly all the agro I get in this job surrounds parking, but nearly always from customers neighbours not the custy themselves. I get asked to move by custy if they need to get out which is fair enough but never just because your in their space. Thing is Jay, you stood your ground and won so to speak, you didn't move, she probs won't ask you again as she knows the score if she does. I'd carry on, if the status quo changes on that then dump, if not carry on taking her cash.

You must be reading a different post to me.
ah... must confess i missed this bit  "She protested so I said alright ill move",   Read it in a hurry. Follow your heart Jay, if she pees you off that much, get rid. Are you doing any of her close neighbours?