Looking at an atrium clean on a office development .OK at getting most of the windows jfrom a small ladder and other from the staircase with either mop n squeeze or unger cleaning kit theres just a few that are high... question is have lads in the past used wfp on the odd couple of windows...low flow rate with a trolly ..fan jets..there's not any decorated walls near the windows concerned...
We did 2 atriums on our local high school. The school provided a 3 section ladder for the entrance atrium, and a tower for the main atrium. We provided harnesses.
One of the window cleaners did what was ICI, and they used wfp with absorbent mats on the floor.
Our school atrium was full of wiring in the frames for lights, door alarms and other things. We couldn't employ the same tactic, although I looked at the idea very carefully.