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  • Posts: 2412
Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« on: July 10, 2023, 07:45:29 pm »
As per title


  • Posts: 13417
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2023, 09:37:22 am »
Be interesting to see even if any of us are with check a trade....

10 years ago I looked into it but didn't like the T's and C's and costs.

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience


  • Posts: 6153
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2023, 09:55:49 am »
Someone  was saying it depends on the demand In your area.

If you google window cleaner in your area does check a trade pop up ? If not then why would people see it if it doesn't rank.

A better bet may be spending money on a website and seo.

But I guess like most thing with advertising the only way to really know is give it a go and find out.


  • Posts: 2412
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2023, 10:08:47 am »
The Problem I now have is the sheer amount of competition that’s popped up in the last 5 years, people spending a lot to rank high, I used to be consistently no.1 on Google, now I’m 3-4 down the list, check a trade is up there. I just wondered if it would bring it work from a different demographic…

I can’t believe how many new window cleaning businesses have popped up in my area in the last few years, it’s gone mad, thr market is totally saturated.


  • Posts: 6153
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2023, 12:16:26 pm »
The Problem I now have is the sheer amount of competition that’s popped up in the last 5 years, people spending a lot to rank high, I used to be consistently no.1 on Google, now I’m 3-4 down the list, check a trade is up there. I just wondered if it would bring it work from a different demographic…

I can’t believe how many new window cleaning businesses have popped up in my area in the last few years, it’s gone mad, thr market is totally saturated.

I know same in my area I only just rank on the bottom of the the 1st page but there's always 4 or 5 ads at the top then the Google my business listing which I don't rank in then 3 or 4 organic ones above mine.

I've never really done any seo work on my mine so it's no surprise but like you say it's more and more saturated every year.

I don't have any gutter jobs lined up I'm going to try the Facebook groups.

The other thing with seo is that it's expensive and something that needs ongoing work so in the long run you would probably be better off learning yourself and dedicating an hour or 2 a week into doing it yourself.

Check a trade mostly gets a bad rep but then you hear the odd person saying they make a killing off it. A lot of its down to your area,how much demand there is and how much competition you have.


  • Posts: 2412
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2023, 02:20:44 pm »
Agree, although I haven’t got the time to faff with SEO for too long.

You’ve got to find ways of getting out there for the gutters, I’m looking into other ways to advertise it. A dedicated website being one way. A sister company as it were.


  • Posts: 6153
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2023, 07:57:30 pm »
Agree, although I haven’t got the time to faff with SEO for too long.

You’ve got to find ways of getting out there for the gutters, I’m looking into other ways to advertise it. A dedicated website being one way. A sister company as it were.

Neither have i really (well i do but i cant be bothered) but i reckon just 30 mins a day working on the business doing social media/seo etc could equal rewards.

Ive just text about 200 customers asking for a google review. Ive just gone from 5 reviews (3 of them bad ones) to 33 and counting....cost me about 20 quid on text local though, but should give the website a boost.


  • Posts: 1756
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2023, 01:48:16 pm »
What are your bad reviews for?
Z21 cherry picker and operator for hire
From £350/day


  • Posts: 6153
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2023, 05:02:21 pm »
What are your bad reviews for?

Thats what happens when you dont ask for reviews.

People only leave them when its negative.

 Actually it was only 2 bad reviews which in 8 years isnt bad, could have been much worse...

Both for not turning up, probably when i said id do something horrible like an fsg  on a friday then changed my mind.

Looks much better now though

William Bailey

  • Posts: 60
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2023, 01:29:35 am »
The Problem I now have is the sheer amount of competition that’s popped up in the last 5 years, people spending a lot to rank high, I used to be consistently no.1 on Google, now I’m 3-4 down the list, check a trade is up there. I just wondered if it would bring it work from a different demographic…

I can’t believe how many new window cleaning businesses have popped up in my area in the last few years, it’s gone mad, thr market is totally saturated.

I know same in my area I only just rank on the bottom of the the 1st page but there's always 4 or 5 ads at the top then the Google my business listing which I don't rank in then 3 or 4 organic ones above mine.

I've never really done any seo work on my mine so it's no surprise but like you say it's more and more saturated every year.

I don't have any gutter jobs lined up I'm going to try the Facebook groups.

The other thing with seo is that it's expensive and something that needs ongoing work so in the long run you would probably be better off learning yourself and dedicating an hour or 2 a week into doing it yourself.

Check a trade mostly gets a bad rep but then you hear the odd person saying they make a killing off it. A lot of its down to your area,how much demand there is and how much competition you have.
if you want customer's , the best method is to knock on doors of houses with windows and ask the people who live there if they need their windows  cleaned.
It worked for me.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2023, 08:31:28 pm »
Well when you’ve spoken to as many fools that I have this last week you’ll say it’s nothing but a complete con,2 people I spoke to are on there and never clean a window what they prefer to do is clean windows from remote control or via a drone.
1 guy did say if that fails he uses 2 headless chickens 🐓 daily travelling down from some London suburb that will make out their local,all in all seriousness and that 1st bit was it’s a joke.


  • Posts: 999
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2023, 10:52:47 pm »


  • Posts: 8136
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2023, 10:57:49 pm »
Moderators, why is this fool allowed to run amok throughout the forum, writing what can only be described as incoherent gibberish, yet is allowed to ruin every thread he chooses to take part in. 

Can he not be banned?


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2023, 11:14:41 pm »
Erm excuse me read the title of the thread I am commenting on,it concerns and affects me.


  • Posts: 8136
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2023, 11:33:27 pm »
It has the potential to concern and affect everyone of us on here, but we don’t all pile on and start spouting the first load of bile that froths at our mouths and lips just because we feel like it. You do.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2023, 11:50:36 pm »
No it effects me more when people say they’ve been given my details from someone on here like I was informed today from another person wasting my time,the last guy that called me has never even cleaned windows this is the kind of joke people selling in this industry are dealing with.
People just don’t take cleaning windows seriously as a business or they’ve no money,my business takes more money than a few small shops with the cleaning side which is irrelevant to what I’m selling,people just think they can rock up with a bucket and sponge 🧽 and clean multi million £ houses and get away with it,this is the mindset of people that are looking to buy work-business what chance has anyone got.
It’s of no surprise to me when I hear people say you’ll only ever get or I’ll only ever pay 3-4 times the monthly earnings,potentially they’ve no clue one window cleaners work is an absolute mile away from another’s that’s all I’m saying.

KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 3926
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2023, 12:39:02 am »
Welcome back Nigel😉

William Bailey

  • Posts: 60
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2023, 01:08:48 am »
Moderators, why is this fool allowed to run amok throughout the forum, writing what can only be described as incoherent gibberish, yet is allowed to ruin every thread he chooses to take part in. 

Can he not be banned?
You obviously read his posts.
You are under no obligation to read his gibberish.


  • Posts: 25055
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2023, 07:52:26 am »
Moderators, why is this fool allowed to run amok throughout the forum, writing what can only be described as incoherent gibberish, yet is allowed to ruin every thread he chooses to take part in. 

Can he not be banned?

While having some sympathy with this view you will note others feel differently. Some enjoy the banter. Every community has its characters. If voicing stupid opinions and difficult to comprehend comments were banning offences then it would be a very boring place to be.

For me, deciphering the intention of posts can be a challenge but what I think NWH is saying is that some of his potential but failed buyers are on check-a-trade and that from his experience he wouldn't give them time of day.

I'm sure that the way he presents himself on here is how he offers work for sale and so I believe there is a bit of 'you reap what you sow' too.

It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 999
Re: Check a trade, any good for bringing in work?
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2023, 08:26:38 am »
Particularly that last paragraph.