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Always shining

  • Posts: 124
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #80 on: February 13, 2023, 02:03:25 pm »
Please keep posting about your problems with the super duper electric reel it has really brought a smile to my face. Thank you!
I do have a spare super heavy steel manual if you want to buy it. Saves you loads of time as nothing ever goes wrong with it. Are you strong enough though to lift it in and out of the van with that glass back of yours? Mind you the ‘two’ of you should just about manage it 😃
The smiley was just for you treacle


  • Posts: 13421
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #81 on: February 13, 2023, 03:51:32 pm »
Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #82 on: February 13, 2023, 04:28:57 pm »
Please keep posting about your problems with the super duper electric reel it has really brought a smile to my face. Thank you!
I do have a spare super heavy steel manual if you want to buy it. Saves you loads of time as nothing ever goes wrong with it. Are you strong enough though to lift it in and out of the van with that glass back of yours? Mind you the ‘two’ of you should just about manage it 😃
The smiley was just for you treacle

Don’t worry m8 I haven’t got you’re kind of money lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💰

SB Cleaning

  • Posts: 4271
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #83 on: February 13, 2023, 05:35:32 pm »
Are you strong enough though to lift it in and out of the van with that glass back of yours? Mind you the ‘two’ of you should just about manage it 😃
Always makes me laugh when i see window cleaners still lifting reels in and out the van.


  • Posts: 23862
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #84 on: February 13, 2023, 05:59:59 pm »
Are you strong enough though to lift it in and out of the van with that glass back of yours? Mind you the ‘two’ of you should just about manage it 😃
Always makes me laugh when i see window cleaners still lifting reels in and out the van.

Lots of window cleaners are still living in the dark ages.. even with wfp!

Cold water,lifting crappy reels in and out of their vans,less than ideal poles and heavy brushes......

Rather them than me.....  8)
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #85 on: February 13, 2023, 06:03:24 pm »
Yeah top of the range everything then lifting a reel out of the van or van ports come to that,who uses them in 2023 lol.

Always shining

  • Posts: 124
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #86 on: February 13, 2023, 07:08:01 pm »
I’m glad I make you laugh.
And living in the dark ages 😃
That’s a good one.
I’ve used a put together system for 15 years now. Still use a steel reel and lift it in and out of the van. I don’t know what the fuss is about. How easy do you want to make window cleaning?
I even use pen and paper so no crashing and losing my work etc. Mind you I do need to top up the ink on my fountain pen occasionally!
Unbelievably it all works lovely for me. Always has done.
Some of you are just afraid of good old hard graft. Always wining and whinging that George is down, super duper electric reel is playing up and on and on and on.
Also yet another mild winter and still people are paying out unnecessary money for a hot water system that they use even when it’s scorching outside. You couldn’t make it up.
I’ve lost one day this year when it snowed and to be honest I could have gone out but I went sledging with the kids.
Hot waters better blah blah blah yet funnily enough my good old cold water system works absolutely fine. I never lose work and I’m always picking up new. Been this way for a very long time.
To be honest I couldn’t care less if people want to waste their money on gadgets. Crack on. Just don’t come over all high and mighty and mock other people who refuse to complicate what’s now a very very simple job.
20 years on the ladders before wfp in all weathers. Now that WAS hard graft.
I’m going to treat myself to a little glass while you all think up some abuse.
Have fun

SB Cleaning

  • Posts: 4271
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #87 on: February 13, 2023, 07:15:59 pm »
There's no way I would go back to manually reeling in 100m of hose and lifting reels in and out the van, ;D

Always shining

  • Posts: 124
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #88 on: February 13, 2023, 07:22:07 pm »
And my point is that’s absolutely fine. Whatever works for you.
You work your way and I’ll work my way.
I make good money doing what I do and I’m sure you do too. And that’s the important bit after all.
Doesn’t matter how we get there does it really.
As long as we’re all happy.
Chin up springs on the way


  • Posts: 23862
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #89 on: February 14, 2023, 08:37:29 am »
I’m glad I make you laugh.
And living in the dark ages 😃
That’s a good one.
I’ve used a put together system for 15 years now. Still use a steel reel and lift it in and out of the van. I don’t know what the fuss is about. How easy do you want to make window cleaning?
I even use pen and paper so no crashing and losing my work etc. Mind you I do need to top up the ink on my fountain pen occasionally!
Unbelievably it all works lovely for me. Always has done.
Some of you are just afraid of good old hard graft. Always wining and whinging that George is down, super duper electric reel is playing up and on and on and on.
Also yet another mild winter and still people are paying out unnecessary money for a hot water system that they use even when it’s scorching outside. You couldn’t make it up.
I’ve lost one day this year when it snowed and to be honest I could have gone out but I went sledging with the kids.
Hot waters better blah blah blah yet funnily enough my good old cold water system works absolutely fine. I never lose work and I’m always picking up new. Been this way for a very long time.
To be honest I couldn’t care less if people want to waste their money on gadgets. Crack on. Just don’t come over all high and mighty and mock other people who refuse to complicate what’s now a very very simple job.
20 years on the ladders before wfp in all weathers. Now that WAS hard graft.
I’m going to treat myself to a little glass while you all think up some abuse.
Have fun

Each to their own BUT let's get things clear its not the most efficient,easiest way to work....

And the reason I know this is I too once worked like you many moons ago until I learned a better way....😄
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #90 on: February 14, 2023, 09:06:05 am »
It’s not a competition to see how hard you can work is it ?.

Always shining

  • Posts: 124
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #91 on: February 14, 2023, 11:39:56 am »
Glad you’ve made things clear.
But … I can reel my hose in faster and take it out faster than you can with the electric reel. Granted it’s a bit more effort on my body. But I don’t pay a monthly fee to the gym. No need to. Get all the exercise I need at work.
And hot water would make absolutely no difference to my round which is predominantly 4/8 weekly. You definitely couldn’t work faster than I can with the cold water (on my work). To be fair when it’s really cold I do think about the hot water system every single year but imo it’s just not worth it for a handful of weeks a year. And you really cannot tell me that you NEED hot water in Spring/Summer/Autumn. You’re just wasting your money. It’s a gimmick pure and simple. Unless of course you work on the coast or all your work is on main town/city roads.
So I disagree that your way is more efficient than my way. And your way costs you more money to set up, more maintenance costs and more on a day to day basis.
Totally agree that your way is easier than my way (and most other peoples way) but I just don’t see it as a problem. I get a good work out everyday and earn at least the same as you do every day.
It’s just the way I work and have done for a very very long time. I won’t change the way I work now as for me it all works lovely. I’ll see out the next 5 years or so and then I’m done and despite what you think I will have earned very nicely out of window cleaning. Even with my caveman ways.


  • Posts: 6159
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #92 on: February 14, 2023, 11:41:27 am »
Almost every window cleaner I come across round here seems to have a rusty old clover reel on the ground lifting it in and out.

The odd one i see with a powered reel restores my faith....until you look up to see then flexing away with a clx  :D

It's like 2010 round here and I wasn't even cleaning windows then   ;D


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #93 on: February 14, 2023, 11:52:42 am »
Glad you’ve made things clear.
But … I can reel my hose in faster and take it out faster than you can with the electric reel. Granted it’s a bit more effort on my body. But I don’t pay a monthly fee to the gym. No need to. Get all the exercise I need at work.
And hot water would make absolutely no difference to my round which is predominantly 4/8 weekly. You definitely couldn’t work faster than I can with the cold water (on my work). To be fair when it’s really cold I do think about the hot water system every single year but imo it’s just not worth it for a handful of weeks a year. And you really cannot tell me that you NEED hot water in Spring/Summer/Autumn. You’re just wasting your money. It’s a gimmick pure and simple. Unless of course you work on the coast or all your work is on main town/city roads.
So I disagree that your way is more efficient than my way. And your way costs you more money to set up, more maintenance costs and more on a day to day basis.
Totally agree that your way is easier than my way (and most other peoples way) but I just don’t see it as a problem. I get a good work out everyday and earn at least the same as you do every day.
It’s just the way I work and have done for a very very long time. I won’t change the way I work now as for me it all works lovely. I’ll see out the next 5 years or so and then I’m done and despite what you think I will have earned very nicely out of window cleaning. Even with my caveman ways.

A decent electric reel ie (HD) will out reel you everytime trust me a 100 meters of hose in 45 seconds,the second reel I have just purchased is toilet yes a manual reel would be better because this one is painfully slow in and out.
It’s not even worth arguing about hot water if you say it’s pointless and not needed that’s enough said for me,if I know something will make my life easier I’ll buy it I got caught with this reel because I couldn’t believe you’d be able to buy one that’s so bad you live and learn.


  • Posts: 6159
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #94 on: February 14, 2023, 11:55:32 am »
Glad you’ve made things clear.
But … I can reel my hose in faster and take it out faster than you can with the electric reel. Granted it’s a bit more effort on my body. But I don’t pay a monthly fee to the gym. No need to. Get all the exercise I need at work.
And hot water would make absolutely no difference to my round which is predominantly 4/8 weekly. You definitely couldn’t work faster than I can with the cold water (on my work). To be fair when it’s really cold I do think about the hot water system every single year but imo it’s just not worth it for a handful of weeks a year. And you really cannot tell me that you NEED hot water in Spring/Summer/Autumn. You’re just wasting your money. It’s a gimmick pure and simple. Unless of course you work on the coast or all your work is on main town/city roads.
So I disagree that your way is more efficient than my way. And your way costs you more money to set up, more maintenance costs and more on a day to day basis.
Totally agree that your way is easier than my way (and most other peoples way) but I just don’t see it as a problem. I get a good work out everyday and earn at least the same as you do every day.
It’s just the way I work and have done for a very very long time. I won’t change the way I work now as for me it all works lovely. I’ll see out the next 5 years or so and then I’m done and despite what you think I will have earned very nicely out of window cleaning. Even with my caveman ways.

I agree and disagree with some of these points.

I dont think it makes sense to get "all the gadgets" just for the sake of it (Although if you want them and it makes the job more enjoyable why  not) but I think it makes sense to invest In things that make the job easier and or more profitable.

I don't believe investing 5k into a hot water system and the daily running costs that may benefit you a handful of days of year makes any financial sense whatsoever . I don't think you would ever break even on it in a lifetime.

Nor do I think having a brand new van that is a depreciating asset makes sense either or a flashy 10k ionic system that does nothing more than  pump water.

However an electric reel reduces fatigue which has the benefit of leaving you more energy to complete more work or simply reduce the rsi that  will eventually come with winding in all day. Its a relatively small outlay for something that has a distinct advantage and benefit over a manual reel.

The same can be said of a high mod pole  and light brush for exactly the same reasons.

As for the don't need to go to the gym argument that's rubbish really. Most shiners i see have a gut and get In the van eating sausage rolls and crisps. Health and fitness is down to diet and proper exercise not reeling a hose in or pulling your shoulder out with a clx over a conny.

Always shining

  • Posts: 124
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #95 on: February 14, 2023, 03:42:42 pm »
Ok then


  • Posts: 2557
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #96 on: February 14, 2023, 07:37:47 pm »
I use a van mounted Hannay reel (similar to Cox). It has never let me down in 17 years. Much easier to reel in and better for back etc because you do not have to bend down so low.

Really could not be faffed lifting reel in and out and bending down low, trying to brace reel etc.

I do wonder about the PF electric reel sometimes, but my Hannay is quality and easy to use.


  • Posts: 2358
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #97 on: February 14, 2023, 07:38:30 pm »
Glad you’ve made things clear.
But … I can reel my hose in faster and take it out faster than you can with the electric reel. Granted it’s a bit more effort on my body. But I don’t pay a monthly fee to the gym. No need to. Get all the exercise I need at work.
And hot water would make absolutely no difference to my round which is predominantly 4/8 weekly. You definitely couldn’t work faster than I can with the cold water (on my work). To be fair when it’s really cold I do think about the hot water system every single year but imo it’s just not worth it for a handful of weeks a year. And you really cannot tell me that you NEED hot water in Spring/Summer/Autumn. You’re just wasting your money. It’s a gimmick pure and simple. Unless of course you work on the coast or all your work is on main town/city roads.
So I disagree that your way is more efficient than my way. And your way costs you more money to set up, more maintenance costs and more on a day to day basis.
Totally agree that your way is easier than my way (and most other peoples way) but I just don’t see it as a problem. I get a good work out everyday and earn at least the same as you do every day.
It’s just the way I work and have done for a very very long time. I won’t change the way I work now as for me it all works lovely. I’ll see out the next 5 years or so and then I’m done and despite what you think I will have earned very nicely out of window cleaning. Even with my caveman ways.

I agree and disagree with some of these points.

I dont think it makes sense to get "all the gadgets" just for the sake of it (Although if you want them and it makes the job more enjoyable why  not) but I think it makes sense to invest In things that make the job easier and or more profitable.

I don't believe investing 5k into a hot water system and the daily running costs that may benefit you a handful of days of year makes any financial sense whatsoever . I don't think you would ever break even on it in a lifetime.

Nor do I think having a brand new van that is a depreciating asset makes sense either or a flashy 10k ionic system that does nothing more than  pump water.

However an electric reel reduces fatigue which has the benefit of leaving you more energy to complete more work or simply reduce the rsi that  will eventually come with winding in all day. Its a relatively small outlay for something that has a distinct advantage and benefit over a manual reel.

The same can be said of a high mod pole  and light brush for exactly the same reasons.

As for the don't need to go to the gym argument that's rubbish really. Most shiners i see have a gut and get In the van eating sausage rolls and crisps. Health and fitness is down to diet and proper exercise not reeling a hose in or pulling your shoulder out with a clx over a conny.

You know SB Cleaning then?
We look at them, they look through them.

SB Cleaning

  • Posts: 4271
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #98 on: February 14, 2023, 08:17:39 pm »
Glad you’ve made things clear.
But … I can reel my hose in faster and take it out faster than you can with the electric reel. Granted it’s a bit more effort on my body. But I don’t pay a monthly fee to the gym. No need to. Get all the exercise I need at work.
And hot water would make absolutely no difference to my round which is predominantly 4/8 weekly. You definitely couldn’t work faster than I can with the cold water (on my work). To be fair when it’s really cold I do think about the hot water system every single year but imo it’s just not worth it for a handful of weeks a year. And you really cannot tell me that you NEED hot water in Spring/Summer/Autumn. You’re just wasting your money. It’s a gimmick pure and simple. Unless of course you work on the coast or all your work is on main town/city roads.
So I disagree that your way is more efficient than my way. And your way costs you more money to set up, more maintenance costs and more on a day to day basis.
Totally agree that your way is easier than my way (and most other peoples way) but I just don’t see it as a problem. I get a good work out everyday and earn at least the same as you do every day.
It’s just the way I work and have done for a very very long time. I won’t change the way I work now as for me it all works lovely. I’ll see out the next 5 years or so and then I’m done and despite what you think I will have earned very nicely out of window cleaning. Even with my caveman ways.

I agree and disagree with some of these points.

I dont think it makes sense to get "all the gadgets" just for the sake of it (Although if you want them and it makes the job more enjoyable why  not) but I think it makes sense to invest In things that make the job easier and or more profitable.

I don't believe investing 5k into a hot water system and the daily running costs that may benefit you a handful of days of year makes any financial sense whatsoever . I don't think you would ever break even on it in a lifetime.

Nor do I think having a brand new van that is a depreciating asset makes sense either or a flashy 10k ionic system that does nothing more than  pump water.

However an electric reel reduces fatigue which has the benefit of leaving you more energy to complete more work or simply reduce the rsi that  will eventually come with winding in all day. Its a relatively small outlay for something that has a distinct advantage and benefit over a manual reel.

The same can be said of a high mod pole  and light brush for exactly the same reasons.

As for the don't need to go to the gym argument that's rubbish really. Most shiners i see have a gut and get In the van eating sausage rolls and crisps. Health and fitness is down to diet and proper exercise not reeling a hose in or pulling your shoulder out with a clx over a conny.

You know SB Cleaning then?
No mate , i don't do sausage rolls , prefer the burgers.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Electric Hose reels
« Reply #99 on: February 14, 2023, 08:37:45 pm »
I’ve given it some serious thinking and I reckon we should all go back to scaffold poles and Hoselock plastic reels,there’s nothing like getting in of an afternoon and feeling like you’ve been run over.
Oh and a pump flat out no controllers needed,as long as the waters around the 30PPM mark I’m happy 🤣🤣.